hupili / sns-router

Intelligent Cross Domain SNS Router
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HTML rendering in Firefox 18 #14

Closed hupili closed 11 years ago

hupili commented 11 years ago

After upgrade to Firefox 18, the HTML of home timeline page does not show properly. e.g. all Chinese characters of the following page are blanks... The same page renders properly on Safari and Chrome... Strange... I can not tell anything wrong from the following code

        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <title>No Title</title>

<h1> home_timeline </h1>

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    <a target="_blank" href="/raw/91212">[raw]</a>

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    <b>奥卡姆剃刀</b> @ <i>Sun, 13 Jan 2013 21:47:57 HKT</i>
    <a target="result" href="/flag/seen/91212">[Mark as Seen]</a>
    <font color="red"> 0.146695761205 </font> 
    <a href="/why/91212" > why? </a>
    <p>微小的扰动,可引发面貌巨变的雪崩。两段明文非常相似,例如111111和111112,可理解为只有微小扰动,若两段对应的密码也高度相似,则会有被倒推破解的危险,若两段非常相似的明文的密码非常地不同,可认为具有了“雪崩性”。 || @奥卡姆剃刀 : 我去办了电子密码器。经测试,每次输入111111时,无论是同次开次输入还是关机重启输入,在约1分钟内的返回密码值都是相同的,可见密码与时间密切耦合的,说明书称若没电或时钟偏移需去营业部调整,此言不虚。又可见密码具有“雪崩性”,即111111和111112的密码毫不相似,这些都是预料之内的正确做法。</p>
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