huppertt / nirs-toolbox

Toolbox for fNIRS analysis
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Possible Julia version of nirs-toolbox or Nipype support for nirs-toolbox #12

Open bparbhu opened 2 years ago

bparbhu commented 2 years ago

Hi all,

I think for fNIRS analysis the nirs-toolbox represents some of the best work for doing processing and data analysis of fNIRS data. When I first started doing analysis of fNIRS data I was using NIRS-SPM or SPM for NIRS but I think something that is not tied to SPM is probably more sound as in the past, though a while ago, SPM12 was not stable.

These days I tend to use a python stack or Julia for the work that I do and recently found myself doing more neuroscience-based work again. I also work with BCI's and would like to see more support for fNIRS in that community as it tends to be more python focused and the MNE-NIRS solution that is there I think isn't what I would want to use for fNIRS data.

So this leaves me wondering if it would be cool to start doing a Julia version of the nirs-toolbox and/or having nipype support for the nirs-toolbox.

The Julia project would probably be more intensive and require a lot more more testing but would give people access to the SciML ecosystem of Julia packages for Machine Learning and AI. The Nipype support would also help give nirs-toolbox users access to the python ecosystem for Machine Learning tools and AI as well.

I would be open to doing both but I'd want to gauge what the nirs-toolbox community thinks about this and also would people use this?

Here's a link to the nipype project:

and the Julia language

Always happy to hear feedback and would welcome any.

Thanks again,
