huppertt / nirs-toolbox

Toolbox for fNIRS analysis
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Fresh snirf fixes #23

Closed alkvi closed 3 months ago

alkvi commented 1 year ago


I'm currently using the toolbox to run some analyses for the OpenFNIRS FRESH project, I ran into some BIDS loading issues and a stimulus issue and made some suggested fixes.

To run the entire pipeline properly I also had to revert 3e9132c6f901e78d46fa9a9104b76d6471f39015 (to get the 3D positions working, but I don't want to mess with that behavior here) plus handle some things with unit conversion and visualization (e.g. the 3D mesh is in mm, while this data is in m). I'm using some quick and dirty fixes for those but could write proper conversion handling etc later.

Thanks for all your work with the toolbox!