hurlbertlab / core-transient

Data and code for NSF funded research on core vs transient species
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new dataset: UHURU small mammals and others? #95

Closed ahhurlbert closed 8 years ago

ahhurlbert commented 8 years ago

Grab data and complete cleaning script for small mammal community data

ssnell6 commented 8 years ago

I will look into the plant datasets but the small mammals dataset only has 4 years of data (2009-2012). I started the script and I can change minNTime if you think we should, but 4 years seems a little short.

ssnell6 commented 8 years ago

These two datasets seem to fit our criteria if we reduce minNTime to 5 years.

(7) Biannual surveys of understory composition within 49 larger (1-m²) quadrats per plot - Yearly understory vegetation data recorded in large quadrats (1 m²) at each rebar.

We'd have to increase plot size to make this one work I think.

(8) Annual size measurements of a subset of tagged and mapped trees within each plot - number of individuals of each species in each size class in each year per plot.

ssnell6 commented 8 years ago

For biannual plant survey (d322), I couldn't get the month converted from text to numeric. I tried in the preformatting script. There could be something off with the sites since the species occurrences were even. I remember that was an issue in another script but I couldn't find anything weird about the sampling methods - maybe adding month in will help. Right now the vast majority of occurrences are transient, so we probably need to scale up site. I will wait for confirmation before changing it.

After fixing these errors, d322 is complete.

ahhurlbert commented 8 years ago

I'll take a look at d322 but it looks like the data files have not been pushed yet.

ahhurlbert commented 8 years ago

Didn't realize mammals only have 4 years of data--we won't pursue them further.

ssnell6 commented 8 years ago

The original d322 file was too large so I zipped and I thought it went through. I'll try to fix that

ssnell6 commented 8 years ago

I can't get the original or the zip to upload to github. I tried a hard reset and it's not recognizing the new files now, so I'm not sure what's wrong. I'm going to try to recreate my local data repo

ahhurlbert commented 8 years ago

Looks like there is a file in the dataset_322RAW folder, there's just nothing in the regular raw_datasets folder, so the cleaning script does not load any data file. Seems like you can just move the file over?

ssnell6 commented 8 years ago

I tried that and the file was too big. working on recloning now

\ edit - shouldve been more clear; 322 needed to be preformatted so that is not the right file

ssnell6 commented 8 years ago

I reset everything and I'm still getting the size limit error even though I have only d322 zipped in my local folder. The zip file is 7,000 kb (which is only 7 MB right?) and the limit is 100 MB so I'm not sure where my large file is hiding. I'll try to figure out where it is tomorrow.

ssnell6 commented 8 years ago

Got everything resolved so everything should be up to date in repo. I checked to make sure your additions to d287 wasn't lost. I will look into the tree dataset soon.

ssnell6 commented 8 years ago

Not enough species for d323.

ahhurlbert commented 8 years ago

d322 is all set; d323 is not a suitable dataset and has been deleted from data formatting table, etc.