hurlbertlab / dietdatabase

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filling in blanks in Entered_By field #73

Closed ahhurlbert closed 7 years ago

ahhurlbert commented 7 years ago

Here is the list of unique studies (and their starting row numbers in the db) that do not have initials in the Entered_By field.

> goo
      row                                   Common_Name                             source2
1      57                                    Bald Eagle Cline, K.W. and W.S. Clark. 1981. C
2     106                                    Bald Eagle Dunstan, T. C. and J. F. Harper. 19
3     205                                    Bald Eagle Grubb, T. G. and R. J. Hensel. 1978
4    5802                         Black-headed Grosbeak Carlisle, et al. 2012. Food Availab
5    6020                             Northern Cardinal Mcatee, W. L. 1908. Food habits of 
6    6119                        Rose-breasted Grosbeak Mcatee, W. L. 1908. Food habits of 
7    6129                        Rose-breasted Grosbeak Robinson, S. K. and R. T. Holmes. 1
8    6325                                 Brown Creeper Otvos, I. S. and R. W. Stark. 1985.
9    8966                                      Blue Jay Beal, F. E.L. 1941. Common birds of
10   9859             Yellow-billed/Black-billed Cuckoo Beal, F. E. L. 1898. Cuckoos and sh
11   9879                                Abert's Towhee Marshall, Jr., J. T. 1960. Interrel
12  10286                               Dark-eyed Junco Carlisle, et al. 2012. Food Availab
13  10728                                  Song Sparrow Judd, S. O. 1901. The relation of s
14  11028                         White-crowned Sparrow Carlisle, et al. 2012. Food Availab
15  12370                                  Barn Swallow Beal, F. E. L. 1918. Food habits of
16  13288                            Brewer's Blackbird Beal, F. E. L. 1900. Food of the Bo
17  13376                            Brewer's Blackbird Soriano, P. S. 1931. Food habits an
18  15289                                Brown Thrasher Fischer, D. H. 1981b. Wintering eco
19  15367                         Curve-billed Thrasher Fischer, D. H. 1981b. Wintering eco
20  15412                          Long-billed Thrasher Fischer, D. H. 1981b. Wintering eco
21  15462                          Northern Mockingbird Beal, F. E.L. 1941. Common birds of
22  15882                            Carolina Chickadee Beal, F. E.L. 1941. Common birds of
23  15900                     Chestnut-backed Chickadee Kleintjes, P. K. and D. L. Dahlsten
24  15924                            Mountain Chickadee Grundel, R. and D. L. Dahlsten. 199
25  15968                                  Oak Titmouse Kleintjes, P. K. and D. L. Dahlsten
26  15998                               Tufted Titmouse Beal, F. E.L. 1941. Common birds of
27  16005                             American Redstart Lefebvre, G., B. Poulin, and R. McN
28  16015                             American Redstart Robinson, S. K. and R. T. Holmes. 1
29  16037                             American Redstart Root, R. B. 1962. Comments on the s
30  16048                       Ash-throated Flycatcher Yard, H. K., C. Van Riper III, B. T
31  16056                          Bay-breasted Warbler King, F. H. 1883. Economic relation
32  16073                                  Bell's Vireo Yard, H.K., C. Van Riper III, B.T. 
33  16081                                 Bewick's Wren Yard, H.K., C. Van Riper III, B.T. 
34  16089                       Black-and-white Warbler King, F. H. 1883. Economic relation
35  16101                   Black-throated Blue Warbler King, F. H. 1883. Economic relation
36  16104                   Black-throated Blue Warbler Robinson, S. K. and R. T. Holmes. 1
37  16122                  Black-throated Green Warbler King, F. H. 1883. Economic relation
38  16128                  Black-throated Green Warbler Robinson, S. K. and R. T. Holmes. 1
39  16140                          Blackburnian Warbler King, F. H. 1883. Economic relation
40  16152                          Blackburnian Warbler Macarthur, R. H. 1958. Population e
41  16161                             Blackpoll Warbler King, F. H. 1883. Economic relation
42  16171                              Cape May Warbler Mcatee, W. L. 1904. Warblers and gr
43  16188                              Cerulean Warbler Hamel, P. B. 1992. Cerulean warbler
44  16195                              Cerulean Warbler Howell, A. H. 1924. Birds of Alabam
45  16198                        Chestnut-sided Warbler King, F. H. 1883. Economic relation
46  16217                        Golden-cheeked Warbler Kroll, J. C. 1980. Habitat requirem
47  16223                            Kirtland's Warbler Deloria-Sheffield, C.M., et al. 200
48  16247                         Louisiana Waterthrush Eaton, S. W. 1958. A life history s
49  16261                                Lucy's Warbler Yard, H.K., C. Van Riper III, B.T. 
50  16269                        MacGillivray's Warbler Carlisle, et al. 2012. Food Availab
51  16297                              Magnolia Warbler King, F. H. 1883. Economic relation
52  16306                             Nashville Warbler Carlisle, et al. 2012. Food Availab
53  16342                             Nashville Warbler King, F. H. 1883. Economic relation
54  16348                          Northern Waterthrush Lefebvre, G., B. Poulin, and R. McN
55  16391                        Orange-crowned Warbler Carlisle, et al. 2012. Food Availab
56  16421                        Orange-crowned Warbler Root, R. B. 1967. The Niche Exploit
57  16426                                      Ovenbird Holmes, R. T. and S. K. Robinson. 1
58  16442                                      Ovenbird Strong, A. M. 2000. Divergent forag
59  16482                                  Palm Warbler King, F. H. 1883. Economic relation
60  16487                                  Pine Warbler King, F. H. 1883. Economic relation
61  16489                                  Pine Warbler Nesbitt, S. A. and W. M. Hetrick. 1
62  16551                               Prairie Warbler Nolan, Jr., V. 1978. The ecology an
63  16565                          Prothonotary Warbler Lefebvre, G., B. Poulin, and R. McN
64  16589                             Tennessee Warbler King, F. H. 1883. Economic relation
65  16597                             Tennessee Warbler Mcatee, W. L. 1904. Warblers and gr
66  16620                            Townsend's Warbler Carlisle, et al. 2012. Food Availab
67  16652                              Wilson's Warbler Carlisle, et al. 2012. Food Availab
68  16680                              Wilson's Warbler Robbins, C. S. 1949. Wilson's Warbl
69  16687                          Yellow-breasted Chat Yard, H.K., C. Van Riper III, B.T. 
70  16710                         Yellow-rumped Warbler Carlisle, et al. 2012. Food Availab
71  16743                         Yellow-rumped Warbler King, F. H. 1883. Economic relation
72  16755                                Yellow Warbler Carlisle, et al. 2012. Food Availab
73  16781                                Yellow Warbler Yard, H.K., C. Van Riper III, B.T. 
74  16789                                 House Sparrow Gavett, A. P. and J. S. Wakeley. 19
75  16841                                 House Sparrow Judd, S. O. 1901. The relation of s
76  16951                              Acorn Woodpecker Rosas-Espinosa, V.C., E. Maya-Eliza
77  17403                        Golden-crowned Kinglet Carlisle, et al. 2012. Food Availab
78  17457                          Ruby-crowned Kinglet Carlisle, et al. 2012. Food Availab
79  17511                         Brown-headed Nuthatch Nesbitt, S. A. and W. M. Hetrick. 1
80  17558                       White-breasted Nuthatch Williams, J. B. and G. O. Batzli. 1
81  19328                         Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Root, R. B. 1967. The niche exploit
82  19408                               Scarlet Tanager Robinson, S. K. and R. T. Holmes. 1
83  19414                                Summer Tanager Rosenberg, K. V., R. D. Ohmart, and
84  19432                               Western Tanager Carlisle, et al. 2012. Food Availab
85  19519                                 Carolina Wren Beal, F. E.L. 1941. Common birds of
86  19549                                    House Wren Beal, F. E.L. 1941. Common birds of
87  20309                                American Robin Hamilton, Jr., W. J. 1940. Summer f
88  20341                                American Robin Wheelwright, N. T. 1986. The diet o
89  20730                          Townsend's Solitaire Carlisle, et al. 2012. Food Availab
90  20780                                         Veery Holmes, R. T. and S. K. Robinson. 1
91  20872                                   Wood Thrush Holmes, R. T. and S. K. Robinson. 1
92  20962                            Acadian Flycatcher Beal, F. E. L. 1912. Food of our mo
93  20994 Alder/Willow Flycatcher (Traill's Flycatcher) Beal, F. E. L. 1912. Food of our mo
94  21094                       Ash-throated Flycatcher Beal, F. E. L. 1912. Food of our mo
95  21133                                  Black Phoebe Beal, F. E. L. 1912. Food of our mo
96  21186                                  Black Phoebe Ohlendorf, H. M. 1976. Comparative 
97  21202                      Brown-crested Flycatcher Rosenberg, K. V., R. D. Ohmart, and
98  21214                      Buff-breasted Flycatcher Cottam, C. and P. Knappen. 1939. Fo
99  21219                             Cassin's Kingbird Beal, F. E. L. 1912. Food of our mo
100 21227                             Cassin's Kingbird Ohlendorf, H. M. 1974. Competitive 
101 21316                              Dusky Flycatcher Carlisle, et al. 2012. Food Availab
102 21346                              Eastern Kingbird Beal, F. E. L. 1912. Food of our mo
103 21619                              Eastern Kingbird Dick, J. A. and J. D. Rising. 1965.
104 21631                                Eastern Phoebe Beal, F. E. L. 1912. Food of our mo
105 21649                            Eastern Wood-Pewee Beal, F. E. L. 1912. Food of our mo
106 21802                                 Gray Kingbird Goldwasser, L. and J. Roughgarden. 
107 21812                      Great Crested Flycatcher Beal, F. E. L. 1912. Food of our mo
108 21827                                Great Kiskadee Fischer, et al. 2010. Predation on 
109 21855                          Hammond's Flycatcher Beaver, D.L. and P. H. Baldwin. 197
110 21860                          Hammond's Flycatcher Carlisle, et al. 2012. Food Availab
111 21892                              Least Flycatcher Beal, F. E. L. 1912. Food of our mo
112 21903                              Least Flycatcher Robinson, S. K. and R. T. Holmes. 1
113 21916                 Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet Bent, A. C. 1942. Beardless flycatc
114 21926                        Olive-sided Flycatcher Beal, F. E. L. 1912. Food of our mo
115 21960                      Pacific-slope Flycatcher Beaver, D.L. and P. H. Baldwin. 197
116 21982                      Pacific-slope Flycatcher Carlisle, et al. 2012. Food Availab
117 22020                                  Say's Phoebe Beal, F. E. L. 1912. Food of our mo
118 22055                                  Say's Phoebe Ohlendorf, H. M. 1976. Comparative 
119 22073                     Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Beal, F. E. L. 1912. Food of our mo
120 22142                     Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Dick, J. A. and J. D. Rising. 1965.
121 22153                    Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher Cottam, C. and P. Knappen. 1939. Fo
122 22162                             Tropical Kingbird Jahn, A.E. et al. 2010. Seasonal di
123 22176                              Western Kingbird Beal, F. E. L. 1912. Food of our mo
124 22226                              Western Kingbird Dick, J. A. and J. D. Rising. 1965.
125 22257                            Western Wood-Pewee Beal, F. E. L. 1912. Food of our mo
126 22326                            Western Wood-Pewee Beaver, D.L. and P. H. Baldwin. 197
127 22370                             Willow Flycatcher Durst, S.L., T.C. Theimer, E.H. Pax
128 22382                     Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Beal, F. E. L. 1912. Food of our mo
129 23227                             Blue-headed Vireo Chapin, E. A. 1925. Food habits of 
130 23255                                Cassin's Vireo Carlisle, et al. 2012. Food Availab
131 23283                                Red-eyed Vireo Chapin, E. A. 1925. Food habits of 
132 23293                                Red-eyed Vireo Robinson, S. K. and R. T. Holmes. 1
133 23322                                Warbling Vireo Carlisle, et al. 2012. Food Availab

Fill in based on the taxonomic assignments specified on the Contributors page and any contextual clues in the database itself (e.g. initials immediately before or after the blank records).

For example, Caitlin Seyfriend (CS) was assigned Accipitridae and she entered records immediately before and after each of the first 3 bald eagle studies with missing initials. Fill hers in for those.

RQ was assigned Cardinalidae and she can be assigned to Black-headed Grosbeak and Cardinal studies, etc.

RQ also did most of the old Beal studies.

There may still be some you can't figure out, which is ok. See me with questions or post here.

pwinner1 commented 7 years ago

I've been able to assign initials to all of these records except for the following:

23 15900 Chestnut-backed Chickadee Kleintjes, P. K. and D. L. Dahlsten 24 15924 Mountain Chickadee Grundel, R. and D. L. Dahlsten. 199 25 15968 Oak Titmouse Kleintjes, P. K. and D. L. Dahlsten 74 16789 House Sparrow Gavett, A. P. and J. S. Wakeley. 19 75 16841 House Sparrow Judd, S. O. 1901. The relation of s

Also note, the line numbers have changed slightly in the database due to a deletion I made of a duplicate set of entries.

ahhurlbert commented 7 years ago

@pwinner1 All of those that are left should be TH

ahhurlbert commented 7 years ago

Also, let's replace "CS; WL" and "CS; WL; JB" with just "CS"

ahhurlbert commented 7 years ago

Oh, and "MA" --> "MCA"

pwinner1 commented 7 years ago

should be finished now