hurlbertlab / mbbs-analysis

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landfire #15

Open IJBG opened 7 months ago

IJBG commented 7 months ago

One other way we discussed, but have decided not to implement right now, is to get the dif of pixel heights from 2022-2001 for those pixels that fall into 106-109 in 2001. Rather than dividing by pixels, we would sum the pixel height differences for those pixels across the route/routequarter. This is because we want both how extensive and how much session.

When thinking about modeling, rather than putting all landcover types in one model ie (percent urbanized + percent early sucessional + percent forest) - we can compete models with one explanatoryu variable against each other and look at what component of landcover is the best explanier for each species (and then relate that to UAI/forest association/early successional association)

IJBG commented 7 months ago

Include all shrub in % converted landtype. Taking a pause on this for a bit, need to consult about data utility and will then return