Final year project for B.Tech. Using Unity to simulate and train an AUV. Navigation is learnt by training with the latest state-of-the-art deep reinforcement learning algorithm. Presentation:
Pressing the play button, the vehicle sinks into the floor and the console starts throwing errors every passing second.
Same Error:
UnassignedReferenceException: The variable target of AUV_Agent has not been assigned.
You probably need to assign the target variable of the AUV_Agent script in the inspector.
UnityEngine.Transform.get_position () <0x38a7f880 + 0x0006a> in <6312b0c4d8544c04bf65f0a668bfa3ee>:0
AUV_Agent.CollectObservations (MLAgents.Sensors.VectorSensor sensor) (at Assets/Scripts/AUV_Agent.cs:29)
MLAgents.Agent.SendInfoToBrain () (at D:/Unity Projects/ML-Agents/ml-agents-0.15.1/
MLAgents.Agent.SendInfo () (at D:/Unity Projects/ML-Agents/ml-agents-0.15.1/
MLAgents.Academy.EnvironmentStep () (at D:/Unity Projects/ML-Agents/ml-agents-0.15.1/
MLAgents.AcademyFixedUpdateStepper.FixedUpdate () (at D:/Unity Projects/ML-Agents/ml-agents-0.15.1/
Pressing the play button, the vehicle sinks into the floor and the console starts throwing errors every passing second.
Same Error: