husarion / rosbot_ros

ROS packages for ROSbot 2, 2R and 2 PRO
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Issue seeing topics in topic list ROS1 vs ROS2 #54

Closed julietcookies closed 11 months ago

julietcookies commented 1 year ago

We are currently running Gazebo through running the following .yaml file in a composed (i.e., running multiple images simultaneously) fashion:

services: ros-master: image: ros:noetic-ros-core

network_mode: host

  command: stdbuf -o L roscore

  image: husarion/ros:galactic-ros1-bridge

network_mode: host

    - ROS_MASTER_URI=http://ros-master:11311
  command: ros2 run ros1_bridge dynamic_bridge

  image: husarion/rosbot:noetic-simulation

network_mode: host

    - /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw
    - $HOME:$HOME
    - DISPLAY=${DISPLAY:?err}
    - ROS_MASTER_URI=http://ros-master:11311
  command: >
    roslaunch --wait rosbot_bringup rosbot.launch 

When attaching to the different dockers running, we can only see the topics published by the simulated robot in the ROS1 images. Meaning, we are unable to see the topics published in any of the ROS2 oriented images. This is a problem given that we would like to run ROS2 toolboxes, but given that the topics published by the simulated robot do not appear in ROS2 images, when attaching to these dockers, we are unable to run the toolboxes on the relevant information.

delihus commented 1 year ago

Please try and run the simulation as I described here

Best regards, JD

delihus commented 11 months ago

I'm closing due to inactivity. If the issue is still valid, please reopen it.