huserben / TfsExtensions

Extensions for TFS 2015+ such as custom Widgets (require TFS 2017) and Build Tasks
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Build Trigger failing for paths #51

Closed JeffRausch closed 6 years ago

JeffRausch commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to send a folder path as an additional parameter but The BuildTrigger keeps failing. I'm using VSTS with my own local build agent on a Windows 2016 server. Here's the value of the additional parameters field: \"BuildOutTarget\":\"E:\\Build.Out.Debug\" I tried it without escaping the backslash in the path but then it gets a JSON format error and if I remove that variable or even change it so it's not a path then it executes the build correctly. Here is the log output when I try to run it using the above value:

[section]Starting: Trigger a new debug build for all projects Task : Trigger Build Description : This tasks allows to trigger a new Build (add it to the queue) as part of a Build Definition. It contains as well some conditions that can be applied, for example if the last build of certain definition was successful or not. Version : 2.5.5 Author : Benjamin Huser Help : TF400898: An Internal Error Occurred. Activity Id: d5b75a65-c55c-4901-97fb-a3287a0a3de4. Using current Team Project Url Path to Server: {REMOVED} Using Personal Access Token Build shall be triggered for same user that triggered current build: {REMOVED} Using same branch as source version: refs/heads/master Will trigger build with following parameters: \"BuildOutTarget\":\"E:\\Build.Out.Debug\" Queue new Build for definition TestProject1 Request Body: {"definition":{"id":31},"sourceBranch":"refs/heads/master","requestedFor":{"id":"386cf5e8-e7b9-660d-9bab-b8a9075d1811"}, parameters: "{\"BuildOutTarget\":\"E:\\Build.Out.Debug\"}" [error]Could not Trigger build. See console for more Information. [section]Finishing: Trigger a new debug build for all projects

Any ideas of a workaround for this type of issue?

huserben commented 6 years ago

Hi @JeffRausch

I think this is related to the issue reported here as the build parameters are not properly escaped:

Once this is fixed I would say you could try again and check if your problem is solved. Otherwise We have to have a deeper look into it.

huserben commented 6 years ago

Hi @JeffRausch

I just uploaded the version 2.6.0 of the task which should include a fix for your problem. Can you please update it and let me know whether it solved your issue or not?

JeffRausch commented 6 years ago

Works great now! Without this extension we wouldn't have been able to move to VSTS so thanks a ton!