hushenghao / AndroidEasterEggs

Android Easter Egg Collections
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[FR] Rocket Launcher for Android 4.0 #286

Open Starcr0ss opened 2 weeks ago

Starcr0ss commented 2 weeks ago

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Enhancement propose / 改进目的

Hidden within the activities for the Android 4.0 Launcher was an entry called "Rocket Launcher" that would show a user's apps flying at them in a futuristic, space-like way. Here is a Chinese [article] ( that explains this Easter egg. There is also a video showing it in action.

Solution / 解决方案

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hushenghao commented 2 weeks ago

Rocket Launcher doesn't seem to be a system egg, it's a launcher egg, but I'll consider adding it. I will try to find the source code and try to recompile it

hushenghao commented 2 weeks ago This is a Japanese article. I don't like it.

hushenghao commented 2 weeks ago

I have compiled RocketLuncher successfully, I don't think it should be added to android system Egg, I haven't found out how to place it yet.