hushidong / biblatex-gb7714-2015

A biblatex implementation of the GB/T7714-2015 bibliography style || GB/T 7714-2015 参考文献著录和标注的biblatex样式包
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能否在 bibstyle 的顺序编码制下增加选项,使得年份可以提前到作者后方? #90

Closed tanukihee closed 3 years ago

tanukihee commented 3 years ago 而来

期望效果与 bibtex 的 效果相同

hushidong commented 3 years ago

这个问题目前是用,printbibliograhpy[env=numerical] 方式解决的。这样样式定义也不用标注和著录分开了。如果要使用的话要更新一下biblatex-gb7714-2015



  title   = {Coffee drinking and cancer of the pancreas},
  journal = {Br Med J},
  year    = {1981},
  volume  = {283},
  number  = {6292},
  pages   = {628}

  author       = {{Research Group of Shanghai Food and Drug Administration}},
  title        = {A study on online pharmaceutical operating situation and supervision mechanism},
  Journaltitle = {Shanghai food and drug information research},
  DATE         = {2008},
  number       = {1},
  pages        = {8-11},

  author       = {关立哲 and 韩纪富 and 张晨延},
  title        = {科技期刊编辑审读中要注重比较思维的科学运用},
  Journaltitle = {编辑学报},
  DATE         = {2014},
  VOLUME       = {26},
  number       = {2},
  pages        = {144-146}

  author       = {熊平 and 吴颉},
  title        = {从交易费用的角度谈如何构建药品流通的良性机制},
  Journaltitle = {中国物价},
  DATE         = {2005},
  number       = {8},
  pages        = {42-45},







结果为: 图片

hushidong commented 3 years ago


tanukihee commented 3 years ago


hushidong commented 3 years ago


gbalign =right,left,center,gb7714-2015,gb7714-2015ay. default: right for numeric style and gb7714-2015ay for author-year style 为控制文献表数字序号标签增加的选项,用于选择是否生成序号标签及其对齐方式。 • gbalign=right,数字序号标签,是 list 环境中的标签右对齐,是 gb7714-2015 样式的默认选项; • gbalign=left,数字序号标签,是 list 环境中的标签左对齐; • gbalign=center,数字序号标签,是 list 环境中的等宽标签,数字在 [] 内居中; • gbalign=gb7714-2015,数字序号标签,是项对齐方式,即段落环境中标签使 用原始宽度,标签与条目内容等间距。 • gbalign=gb7714-2015ay,无数字序号标签,是 author-year 风格的文献表,是 gb7714-2015ay 样式的默认选项。


hushidong commented 3 years ago