I tried running the script (all default options, exactly as checked cloned form master) on a raspberry pi 4 running Raspian 10 Buster, but it fails with the following error:
[build CXX] workdir/UnpackedTarball/pdfium/third_party/base/allocator/partition_allocator/address_space_randomization.cpp
[build CXX] workdir/UnpackedTarball/pdfium/third_party/base/allocator/partition_allocator/page_allocator.cpp
[build CXX] workdir/UnpackedTarball/pdfium/third_party/base/allocator/partition_allocator/spin_lock.cpp
[build CXX] workdir/UnpackedTarball/pdfium/third_party/base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_alloc.cpp
[build CXX] workdir/UnpackedTarball/pdfium/third_party/base/debug/alias.cpp
[build CXX] workdir/UnpackedTarball/pdfium/third_party/skia_shared/SkFloatToDecimal.cpp
[build CXX] workdir/UnpackedTarball/pdfium/core/fxcrt/cfx_fileaccess_posix.cpp
{standard input}: Assembler messages:
{standard input}:35: Error: selected processor does not support `yield' in ARM mode
make[1]: *** [/opt/libreoffice/solenv/gbuild/LinkTarget.mk:340: /opt/libreoffice/workdir/GenCxxObject/UnpackedTarball/pdfium/third_party/base/allocator/partition_allocator/spin_lock.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
make: *** [Makefile:286: build] Error 2
The pi has an ARM Cortex-A72 processor which according to the wikipedia page is ARMv8-A. I found a few thigs which made me think ARM v6 is being targeted instead of the correct ARM v8.
I tried running the script (all default options, exactly as checked cloned form master) on a raspberry pi 4 running Raspian 10 Buster, but it fails with the following error:
The pi has an ARM Cortex-A72 processor which according to the wikipedia page is ARMv8-A. I found a few thigs which made me think ARM v6 is being targeted instead of the correct ARM v8.