husky / husky_robot

Robot (Hardware) packages for the Clearpath Husky
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Clarification on how HUSKY_MAG_CONFIG set #28

Closed stefanwapnick closed 1 year ago

stefanwapnick commented 1 year ago

I'm looking for clarification on where HUSKY_MAG_CONFIG is set for use in the um6.launch launch file. Specifically the line:

<rosparam file="$(eval optenv('HUSKY_MAG_CONFIG', find('husky_bringup')+'/config/mag_config_default.yaml'))" />

After the calibrate_compass script is ran it seems to write the mag config to __/opt/ros//etc/husky_bringup/mag_config.yaml__. How is this path then used in um6.launch? I don't see HUSKY_MAG_CONFIG being set anywhere after the calibrate_compass or compute_calibration scripts are ran. On our Husky this variable is currently unset so the script continues to grab the default mag_config_default.yaml from the above xml line.

There used to be an event hook that seemed to set this variable but this appears to be removed in the latest noetic branch?

Are we expected to set the HUSKY_MAG_CONFIG ourselves in setup.bash? Though I do not see this mentioned anywhere in the calibrating the magnetometer documentation.

Thanks for your help,


stefanwapnick commented 1 year ago

From what Clearpath support have told me we're expected to set this value manually in the setup.bash file after running the calibrate_compass script.