hussc / PTCardTabBar

Card-Style TabBarController for iOS
MIT License
489 stars 60 forks source link

Customization of elements #3

Open n1schal opened 4 years ago

n1schal commented 4 years ago

So I stumbled upon this cool looking TabBar and wanted to give it a go.

I created a UITabBarController from the storyboard, then proceeded to create a custom class that is a subclass of PTCardTabBarController. I was able to set the icons but wasn't able to customize the tab bar, the button of items and other elements.

Could you assist me as to how I could further stylize all of the elements?

Also, if I wanted to reduce the width of the tab bar, how could that be done?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Thanks in advance!

hussc commented 4 years ago

Hello @n1schal for now you can modify the background color, and the tint color from the storyboard or the code, If you want any more customization, let me know so I can edit it.

For the width, right now you can't modify it's width, it's pinned to the screen bounds, but I may enhance it to support sizeToFit width :)

devuzan commented 4 years ago

Can I customize tabbarHeight of CustomTabBar?

NirajCapermint commented 3 years ago

How one can set selected icons?