husseinaluie / FlowSieve

FlowSieve coarse-graining code base
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Statement of need in documentation #15

Closed NoraLoose closed 1 year ago

NoraLoose commented 1 year ago

JOSS asks for a statement of need in the documentation. This statement should state what problems the software is designed to solve and who the target audience is.

bastorer commented 1 year ago

These have been added to the landing page of the ReadTheDocs.

bastorer commented 1 year ago

@NoraLoose the landing page of the ReadTheDocs has the following (near the top).

Primary Features

  1. computes coarse-grained scalar and vector fields for arbitrary filter scales, in both Cartesian and spherical coordinates,
  2. built-in diagnostics for oceanographic settings, including kinetic energy (KE), KE cascades, vorticity, divergence, etc.,
  3. built-in post-processing tools compute region averages for an arbitrary number of custom user-specified regions [ avoiding storage concerns when handling large datasets ], and
  4. includes Helmholtz-decomposition scripts to allow careful coarse-graining on the sphere [ i.e. to maintain commutativity with derivatives ].

Statement of need

Aluie 2018 demonstrated how, when applied appropriately, coarse-graining can not only be applied in a data-processing sense, but also to the governing equations. This provides a physically meaningful and mathematically coherent way to quantify not only how much energy is contained in different length scales, but also how much energy is being transferred to different scales.

FlowSieve is a heavily-parallelized coarse-graining codebase that provides tools for spatially filtering both scalar fields and vector fields in Cartesian and spherical geometries. Specifically, filtering velocity vector fields on a sphere provides a high-powered tool for scale-decomposing oceanic and atmospheric flows following the mathematical results in Aluie 2019.

FlowSieve is designed to work in high-performance computing (HPC) environments in order to efficiently analyse large oceanic and atmospheric datasets, and extract scientifically meaningful diagnostics, including scale-wise energy content and energy transfer.

Verifying Installation

The tutorials, in addition to providing introductory instruction to using FlowSieve, also provide a way to verify that your installation is working as expected. The provided Jupyter notebooks include the figures that were generated by the developers, and provide a reference. As always, feel free to contact the developers for assistance (see Community Guidelines below).

NoraLoose commented 1 year ago

Looks great, thanks for adding this. I'm closing this issue.