husseinaluie / FlowSieve

FlowSieve coarse-graining code base
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What variables can be coarse grained by FlowSieve? #16

Closed NoraLoose closed 1 year ago

NoraLoose commented 1 year ago

Is FlowSieve specialized in coarse-graining velocity fields? Or can you also coarse-grain tracer fields?

I think these are questions that many potential users will have. It would be great if 1-2 clarifying sentences can be included in the paper & documentation.

bastorer commented 1 year ago

FlowSieve can coarse-grain any scalar fields, and can nominally process any vector field as well, provided that it first be passed through the Helmholtz projection step.

A lot / most of the diagnostic outputs are built around filtering velocity, but we've also filtered density fields using the coarse_grain_scalar.x case file.

Good suggestion about the clarifying sentences! I'll add those.

NoraLoose commented 1 year ago

Gotcha! Could be nice to illustrate the filtering of a scalar field as part of the basic tutorial as well. I know tons of people who want to filter scalar fields - so having an example for scalar fields in the tutorial could attract more users! 😃

bastorer commented 1 year ago

Good point! I'll work on giving the Tutorials section (and documentation) a bit of an overhaul this week.

bastorer commented 1 year ago

@NoraLoose the scalars tutorial has been added and the documentation and paper includes the line

computes coarse-grained scalar and vector fields for arbitrary filter scales, in both Cartesian and spherical coordinates

in the core features section.

NoraLoose commented 1 year ago

Great, thanks for adding these clarifications and the tutorial! I'm closing this issue.