husseinaluie / FlowSieve

FlowSieve coarse-graining code base
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Some improvement #43

Open Yizhaofeng opened 3 months ago

Yizhaofeng commented 3 months ago

Hi! Here is the thing. I was trying compute_BC_transfer within the coarse_grain.x procedure. Terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range' when procedure comes to apply_filter_at_point. I figured out the problem because the code line 68 and 69 in function apply_filter_at_point that indicate tmp_dl_vals.size == field.size, so does tmp_dll_vals. Actually tmp_dl_vals.size(==4, not include dl_rho_tmp and dl_p_tmp) doesn't equal to field.size(==6, include rho and p). So to make the program work, we need to add dl_filter_vals.push_back(&dl_rho_tmp) and dll_filter_vals.push_back(&dll_rho_tmp), aslo for p.

Am I right?

bastorer commented 3 months ago

Hi :-)

The BC transfer feature is currently under active development, and should be avoided for the time-being.

Thanks for your feedback though, and I'll keep this ticket open to update you when we release the BC transfer routines onto the main repository.