hust-open-atom-club / TranslateProject

参考 Linux 中国翻译项目,设计我们开源俱乐部的翻译项目 HCTT TranslateProject。
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LLVM Doc? #149

Closed tttturtle-russ closed 1 month ago

tttturtle-russ commented 1 month ago

AFAIK llvm doc has no Chinese translation, we can be the first one. I've raised an issue about this in llvm-project repo.

tttturtle-russ commented 1 month ago

mudongliang commented 1 month ago

Are you sure llvm has no Chinese translation?

tttturtle-russ commented 1 month ago

Most of them are too old to be read. The newest version of LLVM is 18.1.8, but the latest and complete translation stays LLVM 12. Many APIs or traits have changed dramatically.

mudongliang commented 1 month ago

Maybe we can translate some parts, e.g., sanitizer parts at the beginning

tttturtle-russ commented 1 month ago

Sure. I just begin to learn llvm IR and plan to translate some documents into Chinese.

mudongliang commented 1 month ago

You can try to collect some articles to see if anyone in the HCTT SIG is interested in the translation