Open AndyYuan96 opened 2 years ago
Thanks for the questions.
We start this work in January, 2021. Our code is based on a much older version (v0.4.0) of OpenPCDet (please refer to this git commit OpenPCDet is being continually updated and has come to v0.5.2 with improved implementation. The SECOND baseline of OpenPCDet v0.4.0 is lower than that of OpenPCDet v0.5.2. And it's worth noting that, even though AziNorm-based SECOND is based on a poorer version of OpenPCDet, it still significantly outperforms SECOND based on the up-to-date OpenPCDet. We will provide the code and models of both SECOND and AziNorm-based SECOND for comparison.
For the same reason, at the time we conducted experiments, CenterPoint was not supported by OpenPCDet yet. (OpenPCDet v0.5.0 starts to support CenterPoint). We validated AziNorm based on available SECOND and PV-RCNN. The improvement of AziNorm comes from normalizing point clouds along the radial direction, instead of the design of patch (refer to Tab.6 of the paper). It’s intuitive that leveraging the radial symmetry is beneficial, no matter whether centerhead or anchorhead is adopted. We think AziNorm can also improve CenterPoint. If time permits, we will consider migrating the code into the newest version of OpenPCDet and including experiments about CenterPoint.
1.openpcdet v0.5.2's improvement come from use gtaug from all data, rather than 10% data in v0.4.0, so v0.4.0 and v0.5.2 don't have too much different. 2.I know the AziNorm's improvement come from normalize along the radial direction, sorry for only saying patch。I think the implementation of operation that patch and then normalize is not hard, so why not use centerpoint's official repo to compare centerpoint and centerpoint with AziNorm, I just think compare with sota is more convincing.
Maybe I can help to answer this question. OpenPCDet changes to use two return data of Waymo in v0.5.0. The performance difference of 1 return and 2 return results can be found in the PVRCNN++ paper. @AndyYuan96
@outsidercsy Looking forward to see your code, and I think it would be much better to also provide results with OpenPCDet >= v0.5.0 since the 2return results of Waymo is more commonly used in recent works. I also worry about the performance mismatch before see this issue.