hustvl / GaussianDreamer

GaussianDreamer: Fast Generation from Text to 3D Gaussians by Bridging 2D and 3D Diffusion Models (CVPR 2024)
Apache License 2.0
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question about training #9

Closed ch1998 closed 7 months ago

ch1998 commented 7 months ago

Hello, I successfully ran the code, but when the training reached normal level, the program did not continue. Is there any error? There is stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1-base in gaussiandreamer-sd.yaml. Is it because I did not download the pre-trained model? image

tsabbir96 commented 7 months ago

Hi @ch1998 , were you successful in running the code? I mean I wanted to test the capabilities by giving prompt and checking what it generated. but the main issue is running the following command starts a training session which I dont want: python --config configs/gaussiandreamer-sd.yaml --train --gpu 0 system.prompt_processor.prompt="a fox"

Did you find a way to test the model out-of-the-box without training it ?

ch1998 commented 7 months ago

Sorry, I completed the training but didn't find a way to test it directly.

tsabbir96 commented 7 months ago

@ch1998 Ah great how long did it take to complete the training? Could you share the steps you used to install the code, I found that the steps mentioned in the Get Started section doesnot work if ran step by step

ch1998 commented 7 months ago

Training takes about 10 minutes. install step: git clone cd GaussianDreamer pip install torch==2.0.1+cu118 torchvision==0.15.2+cu118 torchaudio==2.0.2 --index-url pip install ninja Modify xformers==0.0.20 in requirements.txt pip install -r requirements.txt

pip install ./gaussiansplatting/submodules/diff-gaussian-rasterization pip install ./gaussiansplatting/submodules/simple-knn git clone cd shap-e pip install -e .

pip install open3d pip install plyfile

Please refer to #2 .

tsabbir96 commented 7 months ago

@ch1998 great thanks... just one question i saw you have requirements.txt file even before cloning the GaussianDreamer Repo.. THe only requirements.txt file I saw is inside the repo.. Where did you get the requirements.txt before cloning the repo?

ch1998 commented 7 months ago

@ch1998 great thanks... just one question i saw you have requirements.txt file even before cloning the GaussianDreamer Repo.. THe only requirements.txt file I saw is inside the repo.. Where did you get the requirements.txt before cloning the repo?

first,git clone then,other steps. Sorry, the steps are in the wrong order.

tsabbir96 commented 7 months ago

@ch1998 thank you so much for your help!!!

tsabbir96 commented 7 months ago

@ch1998 could you tell me which GPU you used to reduce the training time to 10 mins, I am using T4 GPU on COlab and the time it takes is rediculously long.

ch1998 commented 7 months ago

I am using a 3090. The first run will take some time. Some shape-e related files will be generated, which will take about an hour. Then there will be formal training, which will take about 10 minutes.

CuzKy commented 3 months ago

Hello, I successfully ran the code, but when the training reached normal level, the program did not continue. Is there any error? There is stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1-base in gaussiandreamer-sd.yaml. Is it because I did not download the pre-trained model? image

i met the same problem.I encountered this situation when running this code on both RTX3090 and RTX3080. When I reached this state, there was no next step. At most, I ran it for almost 4 hours without taking any further steps, and my memory status did not change during the run. 1712131905660 1 2 how can i sovel it?thanks!!!!!!!