hustvl / LSFA

Real-Time and Accurate Object Detection in Compressed Video by Long Short-term Feature Aggregation
Apache License 2.0
19 stars 3 forks source link

Storage for pre-trained models #2

Open amousist opened 3 years ago

amousist commented 3 years ago

Thanks for this implementation! Is it possible to upload the models to any other cloud storage? It's a bit difficult to download content from Baidu without being in China.

Thanks in advance

SionHu commented 2 years ago

It's a great repo with good documentation! I'm also trying to reproduce the work these people have done. Although you are able to access and download the weights from the BaiduNetDisk as specified in the link wherever you are (just need to create an account and download their app), I have also uploaded the weights I downloaded to Google Drive.

Link: LSFA Weights - Google Drive

I am not part of the developer for this repo, and the weights I got are directly from the BaidunetDisk link provided in this repo on 09/13/2021.