hustvl / MapTR

[ICLR'23 Spotlight] MapTR: Structured Modeling and Learning for Online Vectorized HD Map Construction
MIT License
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Has MapTRv2 attempted a BEVEncoder based on GKT ? #114

Open Yeoninm opened 9 months ago

Yeoninm commented 9 months ago

Why does MapTRv2 only have BEVEncoder based on bevpool? Have you tried BEVEncoder based on GKT

LegendBC commented 9 months ago

You can refer to our TABLE 3. Bevpool can explicitly utilize the depth information and significantly boost the performance.

pierrelzw commented 8 months ago

Why does MapTRv2 only have BEVEncoder based on bevpool? Have you tried BEVEncoder based on GKT

what about the trade-off of accuracy and time-consumption on gpu? I see that you have also BEVFormerEncoderDepth, is it a combination of depth on top of bevencoder? Do you have any experimental results on this?