hustvl / SparseTrack

Official PyTorch implementation of SparseTrack (the new version of code will come soon)
MIT License
135 stars 12 forks source link

Compiled successfully #33

Open yuzhuhua opened 3 months ago

yuzhuhua commented 3 months ago

CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR = C:/Users/15156/Desktop/pyboostcvconverter-master

CMAKE_BINARY_DIR = C:/Users/15156/Desktop/pyboostcvconverter-master/build

all: cmake_check_build_system $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_start C:/Users/15156/Desktop/pyboostcvconverter-master/build/CMakeFiles C:/Users/15156/Desktop/pyboostcvconverter-master/build/CMakeFiles/progress.marks $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 all $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_start C:/Users/15156/Desktop/pyboostcvconverter-master/build/CMakeFiles 0 .PHONY : all

Create a build folder yourself

Step 1: Download and Unzip pbcvt Source Code Download the pbcvt source code zip file to the target directory, e.g., C:\Users\15156\Desktop. Unzip the source code. The path after unzipping should be C:\Users\15156\Desktop\pyboostcvconverter-master. Step 2: Install Required Dependencies Ensure the following software is installed:

Visual Studio 2022 (Build Tools) CMake Conda Install Boost using Conda:

conda install -c conda-forge boost Step 3: Create and Activate Conda Environment

conda create -n qiege python=3.8 conda activate qiege Step 4: Get Python and NumPy Paths Retrieve the paths for Python and NumPy:

python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_inc; print(get_python_inc())" python -c "import numpy; print(numpy.get_include())" Step 5: Get Boost Library Paths Retrieve the Boost library paths:

echo $env:CONDA_PREFIX Find the paths for Boost libraries and headers:

Get-ChildItem -Path $env:CONDA_PREFIX -Recurse -Filter "boost_python*.lib" Get-ChildItem -Path $env:CONDA_PREFIX -Recurse -Filter "boost" Step 6: Configure and Compile pbcvt Navigate to the build directory and run the CMake configuration command:

mkdir build cd build

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPYTHON_DESIRED_VERSION=3.8 -DPYTHON3_INCLUDE_DIR=C:/Users/15156/.conda/envs/qiege/include -DPYTHON3_NUMPY_INCLUDE_DIRS=C:/Users/15156/.conda/envs/qiege/lib/site-packages/numpy/core/include -DPYTHON3_LIBRARY=C:/Users/15156/.conda/envs/qiege/libs/python38.lib -DBoost_INCLUDE_DIR=C:/Users/15156/.conda/envs/qiege/Library/include -DBoost_LIBRARY_DIR=C:/Users/15156/.conda/envs/qiege/Library/lib -DBOOST_ROOT=C:/Users/15156/.conda/envs/qiege/Library -DBoost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS=ON -DBoost_NO_BOOST_CMAKE=ON -DBoost_PYTHON_LIBRARY_RELEASE=C:/Users/15156/.conda/envs/qiege/Library/lib/boost_python38.lib -DBoost_PYTHON_LIBRARY_DEBUG=C:/Users/15156/.conda/envs/qiege/Library/lib/boost_python38.lib -DBoost_PYTHON38_LIBRARY=C:/Users/15156/.conda/envs/qiege/Library/lib/boost_python38.lib ` -DBoost_PYTHON38_LIBRARIES=C:/Users/15156/.conda/envs/qiege/Library/lib/boost_python38.lib .. Compile the project:

cmake --build . --config Release Step 7: Move the Generated .pyd File Locate the generated pbcvt.cp38-win_amd64.pyd file and copy it to the target directory, e.g., C:/Users/15156/Desktop/pyproject/yzh/tracker/.

Step 8: Import and Use the pbcvt Module Add the following code to your Python script to ensure the path is correct and to import the pbcvt module:

import sys sys.path.append('C:/Users/15156/Desktop/pyproject/yzh/tracker') # Replace with the actual path

import pbcvt

Use functions from pbcvt

result = pbcvt.example_function() # Replace with the actual function name print(result)