hutaiHang / Faster-Diffusion

Official implementation of "Faster Diffusion: Rethinking the Role of UNet Encoder in Diffusion Models"
Apache License 2.0
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Doesn't work on MPS #13

Open jonahclarsen opened 2 months ago

jonahclarsen commented 2 months ago

Hi there, I was super excited to use this, but unfortunately when I try to inference the pipe on M1 when using mps and float16, I get the following error:

loc("varianceEps"("(mpsFileLoc): /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/0032d1ee-80fd-11ee-8227-6aecfccc70fe/Library/Caches/":233:0)):
error: input types 'tensor<1x77x1xf16>' and 'tensor<1xf32>' are not broadcast compatible
LLVM ERROR: Failed to infer result type(s).

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!