huww98 / TimeChart

An chart library specialized for large-scale time-series data, built on WebGL.
MIT License
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Add error margin to plot #77

Open gabrielalexandrelopes opened 7 months ago

gabrielalexandrelopes commented 7 months ago

May I suggest an enhancement to modify the lineChart plugin to enable error margins on signals, such as the example below. Each point on the trace could take the form

{x: time, y:value, e: value_error_margin}


huww98 commented 7 months ago

What's your use-case? How do you calculate the error margin? This library was initially developed to achieve high performance when displaying massive amounts of raw data points from sensors. To my understanding, error margin is a statistic value calculated from aggregation. How many data points do you have after this aggregation?

gabrielalexandrelopes commented 6 months ago

this assumes that the sensor computes itself the error margin (or standard deviation), for example using a Kalman filter. The idea is just to draw the plus/minus polygon around the signal, and not to compute the error.