huynguyen-and-friend-projects / smoldb

Simple database in C
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BREAKING CHANGE: CMake instead of Makefile #8

Closed nguyenhuy0905 closed 1 month ago

nguyenhuy0905 commented 1 month ago
  1. Delete the default .vscode

    • Everytime someone uses VSCode, the IDE is probably going to try and tweak the .vscode file.
    • So, it's better to let VSCode users generate the .vscode file for their own machines.
  2. Delete the default build directory

    • Now, to compile code, create a build directory, go there and run CMake.
    • On Unix systems or Unix systems "emulators" (eg, git bash or MSYS2 on Windows, or even Command Prompt/PowerShell if you have included Mingw-w64 in Path), it should go as:
      mkdir build && cd build
      cmake --build .
      # add symlink for clang-tidy to work properly. DO NOT work on Windows Command Prompt or Powershell
      ln -s compile_commands.json build/compile_commands.json
  3. New source files

    • For now, these are for the CMake compilation to run successfully. They currently are empty.
    • I intend to write a hash table and a Trie for syntax checking.
    • The header(s) with extension are processed into .h headers by CMake. For now, I let one of it update the version values.
  4. Updated docs

    • I updated the dev environment documentations to reflect on all the changes made.
  5. TODO :eyes:

    • Dockerfiles and dev containers are still outdated. Needs revising.
    • After that, revise the documentation also.
nguyenhuy0905 commented 1 month ago

I will revise the documentations as well as all the Dockerfiles also.