huynguyencong / NHNetworkTime

A simple network time protocol SNTP open source for iOS, get the correct time.
Apache License 2.0
118 stars 22 forks source link

"NHNetworkTime.h file not found" #11

Closed DragonMeistah closed 8 years ago

DragonMeistah commented 8 years ago

After installing cocoapods by adding pod 'NHNetworkTime', :git => '' to my podfile and adding #import "NHNetworkTime.h" to my bridging header i consistently get error "NHNetworkTime.h file not found". I tried using pod 'NHNetworkTime in my podfile instead but it still didn't work. I have tried with AND without use_frameworks! and same result each time. Any advice?

huynguyencong commented 8 years ago

I can't reproduce your problem. I try to pod use both pod spec, it is ok. Can you give me detail how to produce this error? Can you provide error message when you use pod 'NHNetworkTime'?

huynguyencong commented 8 years ago

Fixed. Please update version 1.6 and read Readme file to know how to import