Richard(Ziyu) Wang t4j2b
Last two weeks spend time on fixing bug and wirte sign up function.
The next two weeks will try to merge the user sign up function to main branch and update user info function. if all the progress is going well. will try to add forget password function and sign up with google.
no problem for now
This two weeks I made a deployment on digitalocean, set up a custom domain, and made improvements to the front end with a revamped about page, forms, and new modal for pet details.
Next two weeks I will improve the look of various pages, mainly the home page, fix any remaining bugs, and go for some stretch goals like our recommendation system
Implemented search/browse function in the backend that takes a query from front end filters and returns results from the mongoDB. Also implemented the image upload module through Amazon S3.
Finish standard requirements, try and add some extra functionality
Continued to fix bug for Pet sorting function and took time to test all features and UI. In the past 2 weeks due to family reasons and have to fly home, I haven't been able to add much progress to the team in progress this time
Before the final demo, I will spend all my workday time to add features and finishing the standard features.
Richard(Ziyu) Wang t4j2b Last two weeks spend time on fixing bug and wirte sign up function. The next two weeks will try to merge the user sign up function to main branch and update user info function. if all the progress is going well. will try to add forget password function and sign up with google. no problem for now