hvasbath / beat

Bayesian Earthquake Analysis Tool
GNU General Public License v3.0
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unclear GF parameters, GF database #25

Closed vic-chou closed 5 years ago

vic-chou commented 5 years ago

Hi, when I running "beat build_gfs Laquila_kinematic --datatypes=geodetic --execute --mode=ffo" in Scenario III, I meet an error: config - INFO All parameter-priors ok! config - INFO All hyper-parameters ok! config - INFO All hierarchical-parameters ok! beat - INFO Discretized fault geometry exists! Use --force to overwrite! beat - INFO Loading existing discretized fault beat - INFO Calculating linear Green's Functions beat - INFO for seismic data ... beat - INFO crust_ind 0 heart - INFO Consistent number of datasets and targets in any_P_0 wavemap! heart - INFO Number of seismic datasets for wavemap: any_P_0: 35 ffo - INFO Calculating GFs for starttimes: "-10.0", "-9.0", "-8.0", "-7.0", "-6.0", "-5.0", "-4.0", "-3.0", "-2.0", "-1.0", "0.0", "1.0", "2.0", "3.0", "4.0", "5.0", "6.0", "7.0", "8.0", "9.0", "10.0", "11.0", "12.0", "13.0", "14.0", "15.0", "16.0", "17.0", "18.0", "19.0", "20.0", "21.0", "22.0", "23.0", "24.0", "25.0", "26.0", "27.0", "28.0", "29.0", "30.0", "31.0", "32.0" durations: "0.0", "1.0", "2.0", "3.0", "4.0" ffo - INFO Using 1 workers ... ffo - INFO For slip component: uparr ffo - INFO Allocating GF Library ffo - INFO Setting up Green's Function Library: Seismic GF Library

--- !beat.SeismicGFLibraryConfig component: uparr event: !pf.Event lat: 42.29 lon: 13.35 time: 2009-04-06 01:32:49.190000 name: 200904060132A depth: 12000.0 magnitude: 6.343080192483292 region: CENTRAL ITALY catalog: gCMT moment_tensor: !pf.MomentTensor mnn: 1.43e+18 mee: 1.87e+18 mdd: -3.3e+18 mne: 1.77e+18 mnd: -1.43e+18 med: 2.6900000000000003e+17 strike1: 120.23408298515041 dip1: 54.240869089580485 rake1: -112.81739742081386 strike2: 335.98575923255856 dip2: 41.58440373860804 rake2: -61.69749587601104 moment: 3.6696131948749036e+18 magnitude: 6.343080192483292 duration: 7.0 datatype: seismic crust_ind: 0 reference_sources:

ntargets: 35 npatches: 12 ndurations: 5 nstarttimes: 43 nsamples: 120 size: 10836000 filesize [MB]: 82.672119 filename: seismic_uparr_any_P_0

ffo - INFO Patch Number 0 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/beat/python35/bin/beat", line 11, in load_entry_point('beat==1.0rc1', 'console_scripts', 'beat')() File "/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/beat-1.0rc1-py3.5-linux-x8664.egg/beat/apps/beat.py", line 1588, in main globals()['command' + command](args) File "/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/beat-1.0rc1-py3.5-linux-x86_64.egg/beat/apps/beat.py", line 1144, in command_build_gfs force=options.force) File "/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/beat-1.0rc1-py3.5-linux-x86_64.egg/beat/ffo/base.py", line 1088, in seis_construct_gf_linear for res in p: File "/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/beat-1.0rc1-py3.5-linux-x86_64.egg/beat/parallel.py", line 224, in paripool yield [function(*work)] File "/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/beat-1.0rc1-py3.5-linux-x86_64.egg/beat/ffo/base.py", line 927, in _process_patch_seismic outmode='data') File "/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/beat-1.0rc1-py3.5-linux-x86_64.egg/beat/heart.py", line 2574, in seis_synthetics targets=targets, nprocs=nprocs) File "/beat/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pyrocko/gf/seismosizer.py", line 3114, in process self.get_store(store_id) File "/beat/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pyrocko/gf/seismosizer.py", line 2898, in get_store store_dir = self.get_store_dir(store_id) File "/beat/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pyrocko/gf/seismosizer.py", line 2856, in get_store_dir raise NoSuchStore(store_id, self.iter_store_dirs()) pyrocko.gf.seismosizer.NoSuchStore: no GF store with id "TSUM_ak135_2.000Hz_0" found. Searched folders:

I noticed that in "Elementray GFs" of Scenario III, the green function is calculated with "beat build_gfs Laquila --datatypes='seismic' --execute". Should it use "Laquila_kinematic" in this command? Why is the "Laquila" is used here? And I calculated the GFs with 0.5HZ and the error said there is no 2HZ GFs. Can you give me some suggestions?

hvasbath commented 5 years ago

Please read again: https://hvasbath.github.io/beat/examples/FFO_kinematic.html#calculate-green-s-functions If in there something is unclear please let me know and I will have to work on the text.

vic-chou commented 5 years ago

Hi, this "use wavelengths of up to 0.5Hz ergo a depth" refer to which parameter in config_geometry.yaml?

hvasbath commented 5 years ago

This does not refer to any parameter. That what follows "ergo a depth and distance sampling of 1 km and 2Hz sample rate may be precise enough" refers to: seismic_config.gf_config: source_depth_spacing, source_distance_spacing and sample_rate.

braunfuss commented 5 years ago

Just some comments/rephrasing from my side to maybe clarify: The parameter sample_rate in the gf_config section has to match your GF store sampling rate (as configured in the GF stores config). Note that the sampling rate is given in HZ.

In the example wavelengths of up to 0.5Hz are used, so that a Green's function needs to have at absolute least 1Hz sampling (Nyquist freq.), but higher is better. With your calculated a GF store at 0.5Hz you will not be able to model at the examples frequencies.

vic-chou commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your detailed reply! Now, I can run the Scenario III successfully under your suggestion.

vic-chou commented 5 years ago

But when I run "beat plot Laquila_kinematic scene_fits --mode=ffo", I meet an error: beat - INFO Loading problem ... config - INFO All parameter-priors ok! config - INFO All hyper-parameters ok! config - INFO All hierarchical-parameters ok! models - INFO ... Initialising Distribution Optimizer ...

models - INFO Analysing problem ... models - INFO ---------------------

geodetic - INFO Number of geodetic datasets: 2 geodetic - INFO Number of geodetic data points: 419 geodetic - WARNING Covariance estimation not implemented (yet)! Using imported covariances! heart - INFO Consistent number of datasets and targets in any_P_0 wavemap! heart - INFO Number of seismic datasets for wavemap: any_P_0: 35 seismic - INFO Fault(s) discretized to "5.0" [km] patches. seismic - INFO Preparing data of "any_P" for optimization models - INFO Using "none" regularization ... backend - INFO Loading multitrace from beat/test_beat/Laquilakinematic/ffo/stage-1 geodetic - INFO Initialized 0 hierarchical parameters (ramps). plotting - INFO FFO scene fit, using reference source ... plotting - INFO Loading full resolution kite scene: beat/test_beat/Laquila_insar_data/laquila_kite_container-master/Laquila_dscxn plotting - INFO Plotting obs plotting - INFO Plotting syn plotting - INFO Plotting res plotting - INFO Plotting reference sources plotting - INFO Loading full resolution kite scene: beat/test_beat/Laquila_insar_data/laquila_kite_container-master/Laquila_ascxn plotting - INFO Plotting obs plotting - INFO Plotting syn plotting - INFO Plotting res plotting - INFO Plotting reference sources plotting - INFO saving figures to beat/test_beat/Laquilakinematic/ffo/figures/scenes-1_max_local [gyxu@insar test_beat]$ beat plot Laquila_kinematic waveform_fits --mode=ffo beat - INFO Loading problem ... config - INFO All parameter-priors ok! config - INFO All hyper-parameters ok! config - INFO All hierarchical-parameters ok! models - INFO ... Initialising Distribution Optimizer ...

models - INFO Analysing problem ... models - INFO ---------------------

geodetic - INFO Number of geodetic datasets: 2 geodetic - INFO Number of geodetic data points: 419 geodetic - WARNING Covariance estimation not implemented (yet)! Using imported covariances! heart - INFO Consistent number of datasets and targets in any_P_0 wavemap! heart - INFO Number of seismic datasets for wavemap: any_P_0: 35 seismic - INFO Fault(s) discretized to "5.0" [km] patches. seismic - INFO Preparing data of "any_P" for optimization models - INFO Using "none" regularization ... backend - INFO Loading multitrace from beat/test_beat/Laquilakinematic/ffo/stage-1 plotting - INFO FFO waveform fit, using reference source ... plotting - INFO Plotting waveforms ... plotting - INFO saving figures to beat/test_beat/Laquilakinematic/ffo/figures/waveforms-1_max [gyxu@insar test_beat]$ beat plot Laquila_kinematic moment_rate --mode=ffo beat - INFO Loading problem ... config - INFO All parameter-priors ok! config - INFO All hyper-parameters ok! config - INFO All hierarchical-parameters ok! models - INFO ... Initialising Distribution Optimizer ...

models - INFO Analysing problem ... models - INFO ---------------------

geodetic - INFO Number of geodetic datasets: 2 geodetic - INFO Number of geodetic data points: 419 geodetic - WARNING Covariance estimation not implemented (yet)! Using imported covariances! heart - INFO Consistent number of datasets and targets in any_P_0 wavemap! heart - INFO Number of seismic datasets for wavemap: any_P_0: 35 seismic - INFO Fault(s) discretized to "5.0" [km] patches. seismic - INFO Preparing data of "any_P" for optimization models - INFO Using "none" regularization ... backend - INFO Loading multitrace from beat/test_beat/Laquilakinematic/ffo/stage-1 plotting - INFO Drawing ensemble of moment rate functions ... plotting - INFO saving figure to beat/test_beat/Laquila_kinematic/ffo/figures/momentrate-1_0_max.pdf [gyxu@insar test_beat]$ beat plot Laquila_kinematic slip_distribution --mode=ffo beat - INFO Loading problem ... config - INFO All parameter-priors ok! config - INFO All hyper-parameters ok! config - INFO All hierarchical-parameters ok! models - INFO ... Initialising Distribution Optimizer ...

models - INFO Analysing problem ... models - INFO ---------------------

geodetic - INFO Number of geodetic datasets: 2 geodetic - INFO Number of geodetic data points: 419 geodetic - WARNING Covariance estimation not implemented (yet)! Using imported covariances! heart - INFO Consistent number of datasets and targets in any_P_0 wavemap! heart - INFO Number of seismic datasets for wavemap: any_P_0: 35 seismic - INFO Fault(s) discretized to "5.0" [km] patches. seismic - INFO Preparing data of "any_P" for optimization models - INFO Using "none" regularization ... backend - INFO Loading multitrace from beat/test_beat/Laquilakinematic/ffo/stage-1 Traceback (most recent call last): File "beat/python35/bin/beat", line 11, in load_entry_point('beat==1.0rc1', 'console_scripts', 'beat')() File ".local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/beat-1.0rc1-py3.5-linux-x8664.egg/beat/apps/beat.py", line 1588, in main globals()['command' + command](args) File ".local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/beat-1.0rc1-py3.5-linux-x86_64.egg/beat/apps/beat.py", line 1295, in command_plot plotting.plots_catalog[plot](problem, po) File ".local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/beat-1.0rc1-py3.5-linux-x86_64.egg/beat/plotting.py", line 2655, in draw_slip_dist fault, mtrace, transform=transform, reference=reference) File ".local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/beat-1.0rc1-py3.5-linux-x86_64.egg/beat/plotting.py", line 2532, in fault_slip_distribution alpha=1., linewidth=7, zorder=-1) File ".local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/beat-1.0rc1-py3.5-linux-x86_64.egg/beat/plotting.py", line 2368, in fuzzy_rupture_fronts linewidth=linewidth) File ".local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/beat-1.0rc1-py3.5-linux-x86_64.egg/beat/plotting.py", line 2819, in draw_line_on_array check_grid_shape(ngr, naim, axis) File ".local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/beat-1.0rc1-py3.5-linux-x86_64.egg/beat/plotting.py", line 2777, in check_grid_shape ' Expected %i got %i' % (axis, naim, ngr)) TypeError: Gridsize of given grid is inconistent for axis 0! Expected 250 got 375

Other command can run successfully except the plot of slip distribution. Can you give me some suggestion?

hvasbath commented 5 years ago

Can you please open another issue? This is important to keep track! I will close this one as resolved

vic-chou commented 5 years ago