hvisage / metalog

metalog is a syslog replacement that allows regular expresion matching
GNU General Public License v2.0
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RFC5424 support? #31

Open l29ah opened 7 months ago

l29ah commented 7 months ago

metalog seems to ignore syslog messages sent to /dev/log that satisfy the RFC.

Is there a doc on what kind of syntax does metalog actually expect?

m-kress commented 6 months ago

Do you have an example, what syslog message sent to /dev/log gets ignored?

The only doc regarding the syntax seems to be the code. What exactly is the issue?

l29ah commented 6 months ago

My real issue is https://github.com/haskell-hvr/hslogger/issues/17 (that is also not-RFC5424 tho). I don't have an example at hand rn.

m-kress commented 6 months ago

It would be very helpful having an example that works with syslog-ng and not with metalog. In metalog.c that line might get eliminated in parseLogLine()

l29ah commented 6 months ago

Built an example from that issue report, it yields this in strace: [pid 5717] sendto(16, "<11>: [/ERROR] This won't show up with metalog.\0", 48, 0, NULL, 0) = 48.

m-kress commented 6 months ago

It seems as metalog expects a ":" after the [xyz], e.g.

<11>: [/ERROR]: This might show up with metalog Obviously metalog has been loosely written for RFC3164 (BSD syslog).
l29ah commented 6 months ago

Adding a ":" doesn't change the behavior it seems.

m-kress commented 2 months ago

You could test again with ": " (space after colon). Metalog works like described in RFC3164, not like the predecessor RFC5424. Please also look at the other issue https://github.com/hvisage/metalog/issues/32