Open ryanl-ee opened 8 years ago
It's pretty hacky, but setting node['chef_server']['users']
and running something like this seems to work:
chef_gem 'chef-rewind'
require 'chef/rewind'
node['chef_server']['users'].each do |bag|
bag_item = data_bag_item(node['chef_server_populator']['databag'], bag)
unwind "execute[set user key: #{bag_item['id']}]"
unwind "execute[delete default user key: #{bag_item['id']}]"
key_file = "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/#{bag_item['id']}.pub"
file key_file do
backup false
content bag_item['chef_server']['client_key']
mode '0400'
execute "fix default user key #{bag_item['id']}" do
command "chef-server-ctl add-user-key #{bag_item['id']} #{key_file} --key-name default"
not_if {"chef-server-ctl list-user-keys #{bag_item['id']} -v").run_command.stdout.include? bag_item['chef_server']['client_key'] }
This is causing a good amount of grief in our organization, as removing the default
key breaks the ability to do password resets via chef-server-ctl password <username>
. It also causes oddities with being able to create/update new vaults.
Hi all! I'm trying to use this cookbook to set up a Chef server and then store secrets using Chef Vault. Unfortunately, Chef Vault only supports using the default public key ( and this cookbook deletes it & creates a new one under the name of
( I'll look into adding the default key back with my wrapper cookbook, but thought you'd want to be aware. Thanks!