hwanhuh / 2D-GS-Viser-Viewer

Simple Viser Viewer for 2D Gaussian Splatting for Geometrically Accurate Radiance Fields
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A typographical error in the README? #1

Closed shiwangyan closed 3 weeks ago

shiwangyan commented 4 weeks ago

I couldn't find '_message_api.py' in viser. I find 'def cast_vector(vector: TVector | onp.ndarray, length: int) -> TVector:' in '_scene_api.py'. Do you acctually mean '_scene_api.py'?

hwanhuh commented 4 weeks ago

what is your viser version & os?
Mine is latest on Ubuntu 20.04

shiwangyan commented 4 weeks ago

my viser version is 0.2.0 and os is windows

hwanhuh commented 4 weeks ago

umm It looks like a function with the same function. can you try changing it and let me know if it works?

shiwangyan commented 4 weeks ago

I gave it a try and it ran successfully, but when I opened the website, it was just a blank page. Then, I switched Viser back to version 0.1.34, fix the code of '_message_api.py' , and encountered the same issue—a blank page still. image


shiwangyan commented 4 weeks ago

So I'm not sure weather it works. By the way, there seems to be an issue with the fix code indentation.

    def cast_vector(vector: TVector | onp.ndarray, length: int) -> TVector:
        if isinstance(vector, tuple): return cast(TVector, vector)
            if vector.__class__.__name__ == 'RollPitchYaw':
                x = vector.roll 
                y = vector.pitch 
                z = vector.yaw
                return cast(TVector, (x, y, z))
                vector = tuple(vector)
                return cast(TVector, vector)
hwanhuh commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks for sharing. I will check more accurate version and dependency issues. And can you share the ply file you used? I'll try opening it on my own too.

shiwangyan commented 4 weeks ago

Yes, but It's too big to upload. And I don't have a google drive...

hwanhuh commented 4 weeks ago

Ah... if you can send it to me by email, I'll try to open it. If the full iter file is too large, you can just send the 7000 iter file.

shiwangyan commented 4 weeks ago

The 7000 iter file is even larger... I'll send it to you via email instead. May I have your email address, please?

hwanhuh commented 4 weeks ago

Please send it to ‘gjghks950@gmail.com’ or 'gjghks950@naver.com' :)

shiwangyan commented 3 weeks ago

Maybe the issue is related to the browser? For example, something like WebGPU and WebGL? They are not supported by my browser.

hwanhuh commented 3 weeks ago

If your browser does not support WebGPU or WebGL, it will not be able to use Viser effectively.

Hence, without WebGL or WebGPU support, Viser's functionality will be significantly limited.

Additionally, with my current version of Viser: 0.1.32 (sorry for the versioning), your scene successfully loaded on my device, as shown below: image

Regarding the WebGPU issue, it is crucial to ensure your browser supports these technologies for Viser to function correctly.

shiwangyan commented 3 weeks ago

It appears the issue was with the Edge browser. After switching to Chrome, everything is working fine now.

hwanhuh commented 3 weeks ago

I'm glad switching to Chrome resolved the issue! :)