hwanhuh / 2D-GS-Viser-Viewer

Simple Viser Viewer for 2D Gaussian Splatting for Geometrically Accurate Radiance Fields
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AttributeError: 'Camera' object has no attribute 'projection_matrix' #11

Closed karthik101200 closed 3 days ago

karthik101200 commented 5 days ago

Just to summarize my data before highlughting the error above: I used the ns-process-data using colmap with PINHOLE paramter to get the colmap poses and treained it using 2DGS. but when i am using the viewer I get the error. Is it an artifact of the colmap processing from nerfstudio or am I missing something because training works fine but there is an issue when i load in viewer

hwanhuh commented 5 days ago

Could you share the full error message?

mkkellogg commented 3 days ago

For what it's worth, I am also seeing this error when I attempt to run the viewer in Colab:

(viser) Connection opened (0, 1 total), 78 persistent messages
error occurred when rendering for client
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/content/2d-gaussian-splatting/internal/viewer/client.py", line 240, in run
  File "/content/2d-gaussian-splatting/internal/viewer/client.py", line 210, in render_and_send
    image = self.render_image(camera)
  File "/content/2d-gaussian-splatting/internal/viewer/client.py", line 102, in render_image
    return self.renderer.get_outputs(
  File "/content/2d-gaussian-splatting/internal/viewer/viewer_renderer.py", line 166, in get_outputs
    results = self.render_viewer(camera,
  File "/content/2d-gaussian-splatting/internal/viewer/viewer_renderer.py", line 122, in render_viewer
    surf_normal = depth_to_normal(viewpoint_camera, surf_depth)
  File "/content/2d-gaussian-splatting/utils/point_utils.py", line 30, in depth_to_normal
    points = depths_to_points(view, depth).reshape(*depth.shape[1:], 3)
  File "/content/2d-gaussian-splatting/utils/point_utils.py", line 16, in depths_to_points
    intrins = (view.projection_matrix @ ndc2pix)[:3,:3].T
AttributeError: 'Camera' object has no attribute 'projection_matrix'
Exception in thread Thread-3:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/content/2d-gaussian-splatting/internal/viewer/client.py", line 240, in run
  File "/content/2d-gaussian-splatting/internal/viewer/client.py", line 210, in render_and_send
    image = self.render_image(camera)
  File "/content/2d-gaussian-splatting/internal/viewer/client.py", line 102, in render_image
    return self.renderer.get_outputs(
  File "/content/2d-gaussian-splatting/internal/viewer/viewer_renderer.py", line 166, in get_outputs
    results = self.render_viewer(camera, 
  File "/content/2d-gaussian-splatting/internal/viewer/viewer_renderer.py", line 122, in render_viewer
    surf_normal = depth_to_normal(viewpoint_camera, surf_depth)
  File "/content/2d-gaussian-splatting/utils/point_utils.py", line 30, in depth_to_normal
    points = depths_to_points(view, depth).reshape(*depth.shape[1:], 3)
  File "/content/2d-gaussian-splatting/utils/point_utils.py", line 16, in depths_to_points
    intrins = (view.projection_matrix @ ndc2pix)[:3,:3].T
AttributeError: 'Camera' object has no attribute 'projection_matrix'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/threading.py", line 1016, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/content/2d-gaussian-splatting/internal/viewer/client.py", line 245, in run
  File "/content/2d-gaussian-splatting/internal/viewer/client.py", line 210, in render_and_send
    image = self.render_image(camera)
  File "/content/2d-gaussian-splatting/internal/viewer/client.py", line 102, in render_image
    return self.renderer.get_outputs(
  File "/content/2d-gaussian-splatting/internal/viewer/viewer_renderer.py", line 166, in get_outputs
    results = self.render_viewer(camera, 
  File "/content/2d-gaussian-splatting/internal/viewer/viewer_renderer.py", line 122, in render_viewer
    surf_normal = depth_to_normal(viewpoint_camera, surf_depth)
  File "/content/2d-gaussian-splatting/utils/point_utils.py", line 30, in depth_to_normal
    points = depths_to_points(view, depth).reshape(*depth.shape[1:], 3)
  File "/content/2d-gaussian-splatting/utils/point_utils.py", line 16, in depths_to_points
    intrins = (view.projection_matrix @ ndc2pix)[:3,:3].T
AttributeError: 'Camera' object has no attribute 'projection_matrix'
hwanhuh commented 3 days ago

Sorry for the error. My implementation depends on the later version of the depth2points, and the current camera parameterization is slightly different from the original 2D GS. I'll soon update the viewer's camera parameter to be the same as the original 2D GS and additional features like disk visualization.

By the way, if you want to use the viewer w/o updates, change 'internal/cameras/cameras.py' to the below:

from typing import Optional, Union
from dataclasses import dataclass, field

import torch
from torch import Tensor

class CameraType:
    PERSPECTIVE: int = 0
    FISHEYE: int = 1

class Camera:
    R: Tensor  # [3, 3]
    T: Tensor  # [3]
    fx: Tensor
    fy: Tensor
    fov_x: Tensor
    fov_y: Tensor
    cx: Tensor
    cy: Tensor
    width: Tensor
    height: Tensor
    appearance_id: Tensor
    normalized_appearance_id: Tensor
    time: Tensor
    distortion_params: Optional[Tensor]  # (k1,k2,p1,p2[,k3[,k4,k5,k6[,s1,s2,s3,s4[,τx,τy]]]]) of 4, 5, 8, 12 or 14 elements
    camera_type: Tensor

    world_to_camera: Tensor
    projection: Tensor
    projection_matrix: Tensor
    full_projection: Tensor
    camera_center: Tensor

    world_view_transform: Tensor 
    image_width: Tensor 
    image_height: Tensor
    FoVx: Tensor 
    FoVy: Tensor

    def to_device(self, device):
        for field in Camera.__dataclass_fields__:
            value = getattr(self, field)
            if isinstance(value, torch.Tensor):
                setattr(self, field, value.to(device))

        return self

class Cameras:
    Y down, Z forward

    R: Tensor  # [n_cameras, 3, 3]
    T: Tensor  # [n_cameras, 3]
    fx: Tensor  # [n_cameras]
    fy: Tensor  # [n_cameras]
    fov_x: Tensor = field(init=False)  # [n_cameras]
    fov_y: Tensor = field(init=False)  # [n_cameras]
    cx: Tensor  # [n_cameras]
    cy: Tensor  # [n_cameras]
    width: Tensor  # [n_cameras]
    height: Tensor  # [n_cameras]
    appearance_id: Tensor  # [n_cameras]
    normalized_appearance_id: Optional[Tensor]  # [n_cameras]
    distortion_params: None #Optional[Union[Tensor, list[Tensor]]]  # [n_cameras, 2 or 4 or 5 or 8 or 12 or 14], (k1,k2,p1,p2[,k3[,k4,k5,k6[,s1,s2,s3,s4[,τx,τy]]]]) of 4, 5, 8, 12 or 14 elements
    camera_type: Tensor  # Int[n_cameras]

    world_to_camera: Tensor = field(init=False)  # [n_cameras, 4, 4], transposed
    projection: Tensor = field(init=False)
    projection_matrix: Tensor = field(init=False)
    full_projection: Tensor = field(init=False)
    camera_center: Tensor = field(init=False)

    time: Optional[Tensor] = None  # [n_cameras]

    def _calculate_fov(self):
        # calculate fov
        self.fov_x = 2 * torch.atan((self.width / 2) / self.fx)
        self.fov_y = 2 * torch.atan((self.height / 2) / self.fy)

    def _calculate_w2c(self):
        # build world-to-camera transform matrix
        self.world_to_camera = torch.zeros((self.R.shape[0], 4, 4))
        self.world_to_camera[:, :3, :3] = self.R
        self.world_to_camera[:, :3, 3] = self.T
        self.world_to_camera[:, 3, 3] = 1.
        self.world_to_camera = torch.transpose(self.world_to_camera, 1, 2)

    def _calculate_ndc_projection_matrix(self):
        calculate ndc projection matrix

            1. support colmap refined principal points
            2. the near and far here are ignored in diff-gaussian-rasterization
        zfar = 100.0
        znear = 0.01

        tanHalfFovY = torch.tan((self.fov_y / 2))
        tanHalfFovX = torch.tan((self.fov_x / 2))

        top = tanHalfFovY * znear
        bottom = -top
        right = tanHalfFovX * znear
        left = -right

        P = torch.zeros(self.fov_y.shape[0], 4, 4)

        z_sign = 1.0

        P[:, 0, 0] = 2.0 * znear / (right - left)  # = 1 / tanHalfFovX = 2 * fx / width
        P[:, 1, 1] = 2.0 * znear / (top - bottom)  # = 2 * fy / height
        P[:, 0, 2] = (right + left) / (right - left)  # = 0, right + left = 0
        P[:, 1, 2] = (top + bottom) / (top - bottom)  # = 0, top + bottom = 0
        P[:, 3, 2] = z_sign
        P[:, 2, 2] = z_sign * zfar / (zfar - znear)
        P[:, 2, 3] = -(zfar * znear) / (zfar - znear)

        self.projection = torch.transpose(P, 1, 2)

        self.full_projection = self.world_to_camera.bmm(self.projection)

    def _calculate_camera_center(self):
        self.camera_center = torch.linalg.inv(self.world_to_camera)[:, 3, :3]

    def __post_init__(self):

        if self.time is None:
            self.time = torch.zeros(self.R.shape[0])
        if self.distortion_params is None:
            self.distortion_params = torch.zeros(self.R.shape[0], 4)

    def __len__(self):
        return self.R.shape[0]

    def __getitem__(self, index) -> Camera:
        return Camera(
            projection_matrix = self.projection[index],

            world_view_transform= self.world_to_camera[index],
            image_width= self.width[index],
            image_height= self.height[index],
hwanhuh commented 3 days ago

I updated the viewer.