hwayne / awesome-cold-showers

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Changed URL to "Verification Techniques" material #14

Closed ahnberg closed 4 years ago

ahnberg commented 4 years ago

https://www.cypherpunks.to/~peter/04_verif_techniques.pdf is no longer available; I found https://archive.org/details/springer_10.1007-b97264/page/n139/mode/2up instead.

hwayne commented 4 years ago

A scanned PDF is here: https://web.archive.org/web/20170214231046/https://www.cypherpunks.to/~peter/04_verif_techniques.pdf, which is easier to read and c/p. But your link is to the entire thesis, which is itself a valuable find. I want you to get credit in the PR record the find. How about I edit the link "Verification Techniques", and then you PR in the link you found under Notes?

hwayne commented 4 years ago

Fixed the link, leaving the PR open so you can add the whole thesis if you want

ahnberg commented 4 years ago

Sounds great, thank you! Added a link to the whole thesis on the Notes section under Verification Techniques.