hwayne / awesome-cold-showers

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Find "Maintaining Mental Models" #7

Closed hwayne closed 6 years ago

hwayne commented 6 years ago

"LATOZA, T. D., VENOLIA, G., AND DELINE, R. 2006.Maintaining mental models: a study of developer work habits. In Proc. of International Conference on Software Engineering. ACM, 492–501."

Found it as a cite in a different article, might potentially be a cold shower on documentation hype? Haven't looked to see if it's freely accessible.

hwayne commented 6 years ago

Couple more, really need to find a better way to record these

ROMANO, S., FUCCI, D., SCANNIELLO, G., TURHAN, B., AND JURISTO, N. 2016. Results from an ethnographically-informed study in the context of test driven development. In Proc. of the International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 10:1– 10:10. ROMANO, S., FUCCI, D., SCANNIELLO, G., TURHAN, B., AND JURISTO, N. 2017. Findings from a multimethod study on test-driven development. Information and Software Technology, –.

adolfosilva commented 6 years ago

Here are two of those three articles:

"Maintaining mental models: a study of developer work habits" "Results from an ethnographically-informed study in the context of test driven development"

hwayne commented 6 years ago

Hot damn thank you for the finds! Gonna be doing some reading tonight :D