hwgilbert16 / scholarsome

Web-based interactive flashcard learning software
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Quizzes rework #94

Open hwgilbert16 opened 7 months ago

hwgilbert16 commented 7 months ago

There's some deficiencies with quizzes that I would like to rework.

Biggest issue is with the written questions. The card editor's many formatting features and written quiz questions are at odds with each other. If a card contains formatting, images, or even a linebreak, it becomes incredibly difficult to verify whether an answer to a written quiz question is correct or not without just checking string similarity percentage. Realistically, only cards that are one line long with no formatting need to be marked as available for written quiz questions. Potentially, this can be shown to the user while making cards in a fashion similar to password strength indicators.

Additionally, the quiz creation modal should be brought back to the set page. It seems strange to have it alone on the page when it would look better to pop up on the main study set page.

Along the way, other improvements will be found.

otfried commented 7 months ago

For multiple-choice quiz questions, it would be helpful to not just show random choices from the set, but "similar" answers. Memrise, for instance, prefers other cards that start with the same letters, so there is a higher chance that the answer is not "too obvious".