hwiguna / HariFun_166_Morphing_Clock

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Black screen after uploading, but if wifi works #11

Open moybm opened 4 years ago

moybm commented 4 years ago

In first greet and thank share such a magnificent project!!

Something very strange happens to me, I have followed the steps as indicated in the manual and everything is correct, I was also able to configure the Wi-Fi access point mode, and I also assigned the IP correctly Wifi works, but nothing appears on the screen ... no pixel lights up ...

But it turns out that if I write the function "display.showBuffer ();" I can see the digits on the screen but they don't look correctly...

what am I doing wrong?

moybm commented 4 years ago


danuyahya commented 4 years ago

hay you fix this ? i have same problem . but i can run Pixeltime library without any issues . please help

moybm commented 4 years ago

I managed to fix it, the problem was having it in the versions I was using in the modules and in particular in the one I used of the ESP8266 ... I had to change it to version 2.4.0. For the other libraries I used the following:

5.Arduino 1.8.7 6.Sketchbook location c:\Users***\Documents\Arduino(***=your own location) 7.Additional boards manager http:/Arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json 8.https:/dl.espressif.com/dl/package_esp32_index.json 9.AdaFruit Gfx library 1.3.4 10.PxMatrix by Dominic Buchstaller 1.3.0 11.ArduinoJSON version 5.13.2 by Benoit Blanchon 5.13.3 12.WiFiManager by Tzapu 0.14.0 13.DoubleResetDetector by Stephen Denne aka Datacute 1.0.2 14.NtpClientLib by German Martin 2.0.5 Be careful I got problems with another version 15.I hope that I forgot nothing, any questions ask please. 16.Hope this helps . Windows 10

This last part is taken from a reply thread on the same website.

I hope it helps!