hwkr / UVicSchedule

Pulls you UVic Schedule into your Calendar
MIT License
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Duplicate events when re-importing #3

Open dkisselev opened 8 years ago

dkisselev commented 8 years ago

UID parameter might help, courses at UVic can be uniquely identified by a string, but we would probably also need to add an additional value for the section/specific event within a course, perhaps the start time or something?

hwkr commented 8 years ago

@JakeCooper has made a good point that we can use the CRNs

dkisselev commented 8 years ago

You need the CRN +Year +Starting month to get a unique ID, but if a course has multiple meeting times listed under a single section (like math classes with the lecture and tutorial listed under a single CRN), so we need to be able to uniquely identify those as well.

hwkr commented 8 years ago

I was thinking we could enumerate the times (0,1,2,...)