hx173149 / C3D-tensorflow

C3D is a modified version of BVLC tensorflow to support 3D ConvNets.
MIT License
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ResourceExhaustedError in train_c3d_ucf101.py #122

Open Wei-i opened 4 years ago

Wei-i commented 4 years ago

I am sorry to disturb you, authors. I guess that this error is probably caused by my poor GPU configuration(NVIDIA GTX960M 2G GDDR5). Which codes can I change or optimize to suit my poor computer? I am sincerely looking forward for your answer, thanks!

rocksyne commented 4 years ago

Try this tool from the tensorflow library.


It will help use a generator function to load data in batches. I am providing a pseudocode example below.

# now the generator function
def data_generator(original_data:list=None,batch_size:int=10)->list:

    # make sure the input data is not none
    if original_data is None:
        sys.exit("Input data invalid!")

    #we need to run this forever
    while 1:

        # run a for loop to be able to fetch the data in batches
        for batch in range(0,len(original_data),batch_size):
            data = original_data[batch:batch+batch_size] # fetch bacthes

            # I am not sure if this should be a numpy array
            # but if it should, please use the appropriate type casting
            # data = np.array(data).astype(np.float32) --> this is an example
            # Find your appropriate casting and set it as such

            # yield this current batch of data
            yield data

H0w to use this in your code

import tensorflow as tf
from data_generator import data_generator

custom_genenerator = data_generator(parameter_1, optional_param_2)

dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_generator(custom_genenerator,(tf.float32, tf.int16))
iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator()

x,y = iterator.get_next()

Check the following references for explanation

Wei-i commented 4 years ago

Try this tool from the tensorflow library.


It will help use a generator function to load data in batches. I am providing a pseudocode example below.

# now the generator function
def data_generator(original_data:list=None,batch_size:int=10)->list:

  # make sure the input data is not none
  if original_data is None:
      sys.exit("Input data invalid!")

  #we need to run this forever
  while 1:

      # run a for loop to be able to fetch the data in batches
      for batch in range(0,len(original_data),batch_size):
          data = original_data[batch:batch+batch_size] # fetch bacthes

          # I am not sure if this should be a numpy array
          # but if it should, please use the appropriate type casting
          # data = np.array(data).astype(np.float32) --> this is an example
          # Find your appropriate casting and set it as such

          # yield this current batch of data
          yield data

H0w to use this in your code

import tensorflow as tf
from data_generator import data_generator

custom_genenerator = data_generator(parameter_1, optional_param_2)

dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_generator(custom_genenerator,(tf.float32, tf.int16))
iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator()

x,y = iterator.get_next()

Check the following references for explanation


Thanks for replying!But I am sorry I have not made progress yet. Are there any codes about batch size that can be modified to reduce directly?