hxmelab / node-red-contrib-bosch-shc

Bosch Smart Home Controller (SHC) nodes for Node-Red
MIT License
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Bosch SHC Connection Problems on node-red-contrib-bosch-shc #37

Closed RalJan closed 3 years ago

RalJan commented 3 years ago

Hello, I hope I'm in the right place... I'm trying to connect the SHC Device Node to my SHC Device. Unfortunately I'm not able to establish a connection. Everytime I give it try I get the error that the Password isn't correct, eventhough I changed it on both sides.

I hope my problem is somewhat clear.

thx Ralf

hxmelab commented 3 years ago

Hello RalJan,

what system configuration is your Node-RED instance running on?

Kind regards Phil

RalJan commented 3 years ago

Hi Phil,

HW: Raspberry Pi Model B Rev 2 OS: Linux raspberrypi 4.19.118+ #1311 Mon Apr 27 14:16:15 BST 2020 armv6l Node-Red v1.06

anything missing?


hxmelab commented 3 years ago

Ok, could you please open a terminal and enter 'node-red-log' then try the connection procedure again.

Which node-red-contrib-bosch-shc version do you use and do you use Docker?

RalJan commented 3 years ago

strangely enough, after node-red-log it worked...

maybe you can give me a hint, I would like to activate the alarm system depending on the fact if I'm at home or not. The information if I'm present is determined on the fact if my mobil is present in the WLAN

hxmelab commented 3 years ago

Great, first step is done...

To determine your presence via WiFi you could use the Fritz!Box nodes. They will give you the information if your mobile is connected via WiFi in case you have a Fritz!Box: Fritz Box @ Node-RED

Otherwise you could use a Nuki smart lock to activate a coming/leaving home scenario locally while locking or unlocking it.

Hope that helps! Phil

RalJan commented 3 years ago

Yes, wright... thanks a lot, is the node-red-log necessary all the time?

My problem is not the determination of my presence... I would like to switch the intrusion detection according to that info off when I'm @ home on when I'm out

Greeting Ralf

hxmelab commented 3 years ago

You don't need the node-red-log all the time, it's just to print out the errors.

To enable/disable the alarm system you need to select the -IntrusionDetectionSystem- in your device node. Send true/false to that device node to enable/disable the alarm system. image

Hope that helps!

RalJan commented 3 years ago

Hi, I've got the feeling I'm very close to the final solution... unfortunately i always get: {"@type":"intrusionDetectionControlState","value":"SYSTEM_DISARMED","triggers":[{"id":"hdm:ZigBee:000d6f000b941963","active":true,"readonly":false}],"actuators":[{"id":"intrusion:visual","active":true,"readonly":false},{"id":"intrusion:push","active":true,"readonly":true}],"armActivationDelayTime":8,"alarmActivationDelayTime":10}


As I'm fairly new to that stuff, sorry for beeing such a pain.. What am I missing?

hxmelab commented 3 years ago

Hello RalJan,

I would recommend you to use firefox as browser, because in Chrome the Event Poller checkbox is not displayed.

The configuration of your device node is correct. Please check your inject node. The output should be a boolean.

Hope that helps! Phil

RalJan commented 3 years ago

Hi Phil. no... :-( that switvh node is connected to the device node image

where 1 == I am @ home and 0 == I am away

hxmelab commented 3 years ago

The switch node just forwards your msg, if the message payloads property NewActive is 1 or 0. Hence, the msg.payload itself contains a property (NewActive) and not a boolean. A device node can not deal with such information. Your intrusion device node expects the msg.payload to be true or false: https://github.com/hxmelab/node-red-contrib-bosch-shc#set-a-state

Hope that helps! Phil

RalJan commented 3 years ago

done! thanks a lot!!!