hxuhack / compiler_project

This is the compiler project webpage for the SOFT130061 @ Fudan University.
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sylib/sylib.o 文件格式问题 #31

Closed ioeshx closed 1 month ago

ioeshx commented 1 month ago

make之后终端输出如下,显示 sylib/sylib.o: file not recognized: file format not recognized 是我aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc和qemu-aarch64的问题吗?还是sylib.o的问题

屏幕截图 2024-06-11 163657

ioeshx commented 1 month ago


$ aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc -c sylib.c  -o sylib/sylib.o
$ make
ioeshx commented 1 month ago
