Open hyattpd opened 5 years ago
compression is sufficient, and important for huge metagenome files. /dev/stdin
can be used in place anyway..ffn
(CD) and .faa
style format. eg. --idfmt "ECOLI_%05d"
. This allows the user to completely control the output style. maybe add a %c
to support the "contig ID" and %s
for strand. eg. MRSA-%c_%s_%04d
=> MRSA_contig123_+_1233
Support for masked FASTA would be useful. It is used by BLAST+ and many other tools. Lowecase bases will be ignored. Could be treated as N
in Prodigal 3.0 ?
Yeah, this is essential, especially for doing eukaryotic gene prediction.
Is prodigal 3.0
(prok) the same as radigal 1.0
(euk) ?
I'm leaning towards just calling the whole thing radigal.
As Torsten said:
As we're very often parsing Prodigal's output in our pipelines instead of merely passing it over to 3rd party executables: a very simple tab separated format including the most important information would be nice, e.g.: gene id, contig, start, stop, strand, partial?, shifted?, nuc seq, aa seq
I know, GFF3 is very close but either the sequence is not included so the ffn/faa files need to be parsed as well or if they are included for multi contig files the format gets more complex than it has to be (my pers. opinion). So this way one would have everything in place in a simple straight-forward manner, at least for proks.
Another idea would be to have everything Prodigal/Radigal can provide in a well structured JSON format. This way you have everything in place in a machine readable format that is well supported by every modern language.
I partially agree with the TSV/TAB output but I would hope GFF or BED could be used so bedtools
and samtools
will work with it.
+1 for JSON format!
What about using the "simple tab" for stdout and everything else as optional parameters?
prodigal3 --input
Would be simple, flexible and straight forward. Of course, the simple tab could also be a non-standard option, e.g. --tsv
¿Can i feed prodigal with multiple genomes at once? ¿something like $ prodigal -i *.faa? How can i set the output on individual files?
files are usually reserved for peptide sequences.
I don't think prodigal takes multiple input files at once.
You can either concatenate first: cat *.faa > everything.fasta
or try a bash subshell: prodigal .... <(cat *.faa)
Discussion of input/output in new version.
What formats would you like to see supported?
Current proposal:
Does anyone want or need FASTQ support? No one's ever requested it. Prodigal currently has a crappy Genbank/EMBL sequence parser, but I'm not really sure this is a feature that should be supported (FASTA seems fine).
Any others? .xz?
How important is it to allow standard input? Would people be disappointed if they had to specify files?
Any other formats people would like to see supported?
Any other formats needed here?
Gene IDS: the IDs will be 0-padded/sortable, as per a proposal from a previous issue (i.e. 00001, 00002,...10000...).
There will be a "convert" subcommand to convert the various output formats (though don't expect it to have a full understanding of GFF3, GTF, etc... it will expect Prodigal output.)