hybox / models

Data Modeling repository for HyBox (ontologies, vocabularies, best practices, requirements, etc)
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Non Structural Resources need Models #18

Closed azaroth42 closed 8 years ago

azaroth42 commented 8 years ago



Not needed:

azaroth42 commented 8 years ago

Decision for User Account (separate from Person) model could be driven by business? How are accounts and roles managed? [Related to #6 ... perhaps now even duplicate of]

jcoyne commented 8 years ago

We've done significant work on alexandria (UCSB), largely based on the Oregon Digital model that supports this as linked data (loc, getty, geonames, local). It also supports Agents and Topics as local models (in Fedora). If we wanted to do this modeling entirely locally, we could use that existing work. If we wanted to do real linked data we could, but it makes the infrastructure significantly more complex.

no-reply commented 8 years ago

This is more of an engineering/architecture question than a modeling one, but:

Do we expect these resources to be repository objects? I.e. is a Place an LDP-RS that will be managed independently of any particular object linking to it? Or do these go in a sidecar triplestore/LD Fragments server/...?

A loose guess would be fine, but it would be helpful to know what options are on the table.

@mjgiarlo @atz @jcoyne (please flag anyone else who should weigh in on this question).

jcoyne commented 8 years ago

Yes, I think they ought to be repository objects, in that the data make no sense if they (Agents/Places) are not preserved.

I think these potentially could go into a caching/sidecar triplestore, but they don't have to if they have a canonical place in Fedora. I'm not sure of how much of a say I get here, but my feeling is that we should not try to link against external sources for the first version. Scoping it in this way reduces the number of problems we need to tackle now.

azaroth42 commented 8 years ago

:+1: to @jcoyne. Especially for people, who might also need to be linked to user accounts with roles for the repository.

mjgiarlo commented 8 years ago

@jcoyne :speech_balloon:

I'm not sure of how much of a say I get here...

You get as much of a say as any of us. :)

jcoyne commented 8 years ago

@azaroth42 did you intentionally close this?

azaroth42 commented 8 years ago

Nope! That's ... odd ...

no-reply commented 8 years ago

See #25, #26, & #27.

azaroth42 commented 8 years ago

Not sure there's anything to do here that isn't captured in the issues specific to each model. Closing. Reopen, or create a new more specific issue if there's something I've missed :smile_cat: