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Can Object hasMember Object in HyBoxPCDMWorks #34

Closed azaroth42 closed 8 years ago

azaroth42 commented 8 years ago

At LDCX, I believe that we created a subClass of pcdm:Object which was tentatively named ???:Part. Objects hasMember Parts, and Parts (I think) hasMember Parts.

Can Object hasMember Object still, or is everything a Part? Is the use case for Object hasMember Object the discovery one, where a Part should NOT be discovered separately from its Object, whereas an Object that's included can be separately discovered?

With much elision:

  "type": "Object",
  "label": "Atlas",
  "hasMember": [
      "type": "Part",
      "label": "Boring Cover of Atlas"
      "type": "Object",
      "label": "Super Interesting Map that Happens To Be in Atlas"

(Summoning @jpstroop @escowles @tpendragon @no-reply @mjgiarlo)

escowles commented 8 years ago

I think we called it a Part, but acknowledged that it was contextual. So it was just an Object that was the member of some other Object, and in that context was considered a Part.

azaroth42 commented 8 years ago

So no new subClass? That's fine by me :) We should discuss discoverability (in a separate issue, perhaps not even modeling related).

Others okay to close?

tpendragon commented 8 years ago

:+1: to closing.

anarchivist commented 8 years ago


mjgiarlo commented 8 years ago


azaroth42 commented 8 years ago

Closing -- no new subclass :)