hybridgroup / cylon-firmata

Cylon adaptor for the Firmata protocol
45 stars 10 forks source link

installation problem #6

Closed Playagood closed 10 years ago

Playagood commented 10 years ago

Thank you for taking the time

I try to install this module on two machine(Raspberry PI and my laptop).

When I run : npm install cylon-firmata

What happens: I get this error at the end of the process on both machine

1695 http GET http://registry.npmjs.org/cylon-i2c/-/cylon-i2c-0.5.0.tgz
11696 info retry fetch attempt 1 at 13:38:51
11697 verbose fetch to= C:\Users\Frank\AppData\Local\Temp\npm-6080-mfh-v0qr\1388255931367-0.9531360752880573\tmp.tgz
11698 http GET http://registry.npmjs.org/cylon-gpio/-/cylon-gpio-0.7.0.tgz
11699 http 404 http://registry.npmjs.org/cylon-i2c/-/cylon-i2c-0.5.0.tgz
11700 error fetch failed http://registry.npmjs.org/cylon-i2c/-/cylon-i2c-0.5.0.tgz
11701 silly lockFile 867d64a3-rg-cylon-i2c-cylon-i2c-0-5-0-tgz http://registry.npmjs.org/cylon-i2c/-/cylon-i2c-0.5.0.tgz
11702 silly lockFile 867d64a3-rg-cylon-i2c-cylon-i2c-0-5-0-tgz http://registry.npmjs.org/cylon-i2c/-/cylon-i2c-0.5.0.tgz
11703 http 404 http://registry.npmjs.org/cylon-gpio/-/cylon-gpio-0.7.0.tgz
11704 silly lockFile c9999bc3-cylon-i2c-0-5-0 cylon-i2c@0.5.0
11705 silly lockFile c9999bc3-cylon-i2c-0-5-0 cylon-i2c@0.5.0
11706 error fetch failed http://registry.npmjs.org/cylon-gpio/-/cylon-gpio-0.7.0.tgz
11707 silly lockFile a60b3a32--cylon-gpio-cylon-gpio-0-7-0-tgz http://registry.npmjs.org/cylon-gpio/-/cylon-gpio-0.7.0.tgz
11708 silly lockFile a60b3a32--cylon-gpio-cylon-gpio-0-7-0-tgz http://registry.npmjs.org/cylon-gpio/-/cylon-gpio-0.7.0.tgz
11709 silly lockFile 9b75bab8-cylon-i2c-0-5-0 cylon-i2c@>= 0.5.0
11710 silly lockFile 9b75bab8-cylon-i2c-0-5-0 cylon-i2c@>= 0.5.0
11711 silly lockFile f647ef02-cylon-gpio-0-7-0 cylon-gpio@0.7.0
11712 silly lockFile f647ef02-cylon-gpio-0-7-0 cylon-gpio@0.7.0
11713 silly lockFile 8af7b22b-cylon-gpio-0-7-0 cylon-gpio@>= 0.7.0
11714 silly lockFile 8af7b22b-cylon-gpio-0-7-0 cylon-gpio@>= 0.7.0
11715 info C:\Users\Frank\Desktop\One\node_modules\cylon-firmata unbuild
11716 info preuninstall cylon-firmata@0.7.0
11717 info uninstall cylon-firmata@0.7.0
11718 verbose true,C:\Users\Frank\Desktop\One\node_modules,C:\Users\Frank\Desktop\One\node_modules unbuild cylon-firmata@0.7.0
11719 info postuninstall cylon-firmata@0.7.0
11720 error Error: 404 Not Found
11720 error     at WriteStream.<anonymous> (C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\node_modules\npm\lib\utils\fetch.js:57:12)
11720 error     at WriteStream.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:117:20)
11720 error     at fs.js:1596:14
11720 error     at C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\graceful-fs\graceful-fs.js:103:5
11720 error     at Object.oncomplete (fs.js:107:15)
11721 error If you need help, you may report this *entire* log,
11721 error including the npm and node versions, at:
11721 error     <http://github.com/isaacs/npm/issues>
11722 error System Windows_NT 6.1.7601
11723 error command "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\nodejs\\\\node.exe" "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "install" "cylon-firmata"
11724 error cwd C:\Users\Frank\Desktop\One
11725 error node -v v0.10.24
11726 error npm -v 1.3.21
11727 verbose exit [ 1, true ]
deadprogram commented 10 years ago

Hi, @Playagood I see you are using MS Windows. One of us will boot up a VM and check this out...

Playagood commented 10 years ago

Ok.Thank you. I am getting a similar message with the Raspberry Pi...I will post the log later.

deadprogram commented 10 years ago

Interesting... @edgarSilva can you try that on raspi, please?

edgarsilva commented 10 years ago

I will look into this using the raspberry pi and update.

zankich commented 10 years ago

@Playagood, can you please try again, the issue should be fixed now

Playagood commented 10 years ago

That is good service. Thank you a lot.

same error on MS Windows and no RPI nearby.

deadprogram commented 10 years ago

I just did an npm publish --force as suggested here https://github.com/isaacs/npm/issues/4251 on the cylon-gpio and cylon-i2c modules, and cylon-firmata now appears to be installing as expected. Please verify, and thanks!

edgarsilva commented 10 years ago

Hi @Playagood , have you had any chance to confirm/deny this issue has been solved?

edgarsilva commented 10 years ago

This seems to be fixed, closing the issue.