hybridgroup / cylon

JavaScript framework for robotics, drones, and the Internet of Things (IoT)
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How to register just created new driver #347

Closed tamer1an closed 8 years ago

tamer1an commented 8 years ago

I generate a driver using cylon-cli

How to register it for futher usage?

As i understand i need to instal it as npm module? i did it.

Has installed a just generated driver using npm i ./mydriver

than i require it in my program

var Cylon = require('cylon');
var ultrasonic = require('mymodule');

and i get Cannot find the 'cylon-mymodule' module. This problem might be fixed by installing it with 'npm install cylon-ultrasonic' and trying again.

cand find any instruction on that topic here: https://cylonjs.com/documentation/adding-new-hardware-support/

and irc is also silent

please help

Regards Andrii

deadprogram commented 8 years ago

Hi @tamer1an

You are correct, there is some important info missing from the "New Hardware Support" page.

When implementing a module that includes Cylon.js drivers, you need to export a drivers function, and a driver function.

drivers() should return all of the drivers contained within that module, for example https://github.com/hybridgroup/cylon-i2c/blob/master/index.js#L25

driver() should return a new Driver object for a specific driver, just like https://github.com/hybridgroup/cylon-i2c/blob/master/index.js#L27-L33

Cylon.js will try to auto-require a module named cylon-drivername where "drivername" is the name of the driver. If it can require this specially named module, it will try to call the driver() function to instantiate a new Driver of the desired type.

The same is also true about "Adaptors", but you were specifically asking about Drivers.

Hope this helps!

deadprogram commented 8 years ago

I've added an issue on the Cylon.js website to update that page: https://github.com/hybridgroup/cylon-site/issues/124

tamer1an commented 8 years ago

Hello @deadprogram

My driver was written correctly, before open this Issue I has investigate different examples in src-code and after your answer now I am sure that is written it correctly.

But here what was registration problem that i want to solve. Your answer above also gave me the insight so i check that driver is working just fine but.

Here is the issue: Take a look at this project structure:

as always package.json has all dep

"dependencies": {
    "cylon": "^1.3.0",
    "cylon-firmata": "^0.24.0",
    "cylon-gpio": "^0.29.0",
    "cylon-i2c": "^0.26.1"

e.g. I install dependencies. Than i want to install my custom driver for now all custom is in folder drivers

here is the index.js /drivers/ultrasonic/lib/ultrasonic.js and the driver

here is the actual program that i am running

so i made following steps: 1) $ npm i 2)$ npm i ./drivers/ultrasonic 3)$ node src/js/ultrasonic

4) and i get Cannot find the 'cylon-ultrasonic' module. This problem might be fixed by installing it with 'npm install cylon-ultrasonic' and trying again.

if i add my driver here: .\node_modules\cylon-i2c\lib\ultrasonic.js

and add it to the index.js file .\node_modules\cylon-i2c\index.js

var Drivers = {
  // ...
  "ultrasonic": require("./lib/ultrasonic")
But how can i do the same(register my custom driver to work in the Cylon program) but without adding it to node_modules source folder?