I am trying to access bluetooth devices using the cylon-ble package. But unfortunately, when I tried to access the js using node, it throwing the error
"Cannot find the '/Users/kiran/Desktop/cylon_test/cylon/' module.
This problem might be fixed by installing it with 'npm install /Users/kiran/Desktop/cylon_test/cylon/' and trying again."
Please see full stack here. (cylon, cylon-ble gloab install as a sudo user in mac osx). I have the same issue with the windows OS as well. (Windows 7 X64).
Please Note: I have used the example found here. I just copied the code and placed in the index.js file and ran it with node. (node index.js).
Cannot find the '/Users/neobric/Desktop/cylon_test/cylon/' module.
This problem might be fixed by installing it with 'npm install /Users/neobric/Desktop/cylon_test/cylon/' and trying again.
Terminated: 15
I am trying to access bluetooth devices using the cylon-ble package. But unfortunately, when I tried to access the js using node, it throwing the error
"Cannot find the '/Users/kiran/Desktop/cylon_test/cylon/' module. This problem might be fixed by installing it with 'npm install /Users/kiran/Desktop/cylon_test/cylon/' and trying again."
Please see full stack here. (cylon, cylon-ble gloab install as a sudo user in mac osx). I have the same issue with the windows OS as well. (Windows 7 X64).
Please Note: I have used the example found here. I just copied the code and placed in the index.js file and ran it with node. (node index.js).
sh-3.2# npm install cylon -g
/usr/local/lib └── cylon@1.3.0
sh-3.2# npm install cylon-ble -g
/usr/local/bin/cylon-ble-scan -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/cylon-ble/bin/blescan.js /usr/local/bin/cylon-ble-info -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/cylon-ble/bin/bleinfo.js /usr/local/lib └── cylon-ble@0.10.1
npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: bluetooth-hci-socket@^0.5.1 (node_modules/cylon-ble/node_modules/noble/node_modules/bluetooth-hci-socket): npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for bluetooth-hci-socket@0.5.1: wanted {"os":"linux,android,win32","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"darwin","arch":"x64"})
sh-3.2# node index.js
Cannot find the '/Users/neobric/Desktop/cylon_test/cylon/' module. This problem might be fixed by installing it with 'npm install /Users/neobric/Desktop/cylon_test/cylon/' and trying again. Terminated: 15