hybridgroup / gobot

Golang framework for robotics, drones, and the Internet of Things (IoT)
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macOS BLE stack requires update for Mojave #661

Open mrubelmann opened 5 years ago

mrubelmann commented 5 years ago

I'm trying to run both of the BB-8 example programs on macOS, but it won't connect to the device. It gets as far as trying to start the connection, but then never makes it into the work() function. I added println("In work") to the top of work(), but as you can see, it never gets called:

bash-3.2$ GODEBUG=cgocheck=0 go run examples/bb8.go BB-FCOB
2019/03/28 23:37:55 Initializing connections...
2019/03/28 23:37:55 Initializing connection BLEClient-76ABEF2F2928F188 ...
2019/03/28 23:37:55 Initializing devices...
2019/03/28 23:37:55 Initializing device BB8-6C8E7A10A90D57A9 ...
2019/03/28 23:37:55 Robot bbBot initialized.
2019/03/28 23:37:55 Starting Robot bbBot ...
2019/03/28 23:37:55 Starting connections...
2019/03/28 23:37:55 Starting connection BLEClient-76ABEF2F2928F188...

Is it possible that the firmware has changed and the gobot driver no longer works, or am I just doing something wrong?

mrubelmann commented 5 years ago

It turns out this is a Mac issue. I couldn't get it to work on Mojave (10.14.4), but it's working on Ubuntu.

deadprogram commented 5 years ago

It would be great to get some people to collaborate on macOS BLE stack updates for Go. Anyone who might want to help out and knows CGo please make yourself known! :)

deadprogram commented 4 years ago

The https://github.com/raff/goble repo has been updated for macOS Catalina.

Also this fork of the original gatt package seems active https://github.com/bettercap/gatt

Bit of history, Gobot originally used gatt... seems funny to imagine going back.

Just wondering out loud if anyone would be able to look at replacing go-ble in Gobot with this fork of gatt?