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Tello driver FlightData fields description #798

Open orsinium opened 3 years ago

orsinium commented 3 years ago

The FlightData struct fields use a lot of abbreviations and don't have descriptions. What is EmOpen? ElectricalMachineryState? FlyMode? FrontLSC? ImuState? What are the possible values for CameraState? Is there a place where I can read about it?

orsinium commented 3 years ago

Found about IMU: Ryze Tello IMU Calibration. So I guess ImuState says if the drone needs IMU calibration. It's still not clear what are the values for ImuCalibrationState, though.

orsinium commented 3 years ago

Tello SDK (Tello EDU only?) has a description for the state fields: https://dl-cdn.ryzerobotics.com/downloads/Tello/Tello%20SDK%202.0%20User%20Guide.pdf

It is different from what we have but there are a few matching fields.

orsinium commented 3 years ago

FlightData.LightStrength field appears to be unused 🤔 The same for SmartVideoExitMode

gen2thomas commented 2 years ago

Hi @orsinium , I'm not a user of this device, so I can not tell something about the structure elements. Because it seems you are (were) a novice for using this driver you are best suited for adding some comments for the next new user.

So, please could you provide a PR with some comments besides the elements or at least provide a complete list here so anyone else can prepare an PR? This would be perfect.

orsinium commented 2 years ago

I don't remember much at this point, only what I wrote in this issue. But I think I haven't found anything else.

I'm pretty sure I'm not the first one to use the driver. I vaguely remember @deadprogram showing people how to fly a DJI Tello drone at some conferences. And then there is this article. So, I hope there are some people in the world who can uncover the mysteries of the fields I didn't uncover.

I'll try to find some time in a week and contribute comments to the fields that I described in this thread. The rest I don't know yet.

gen2thomas commented 2 years ago

Thanks, that would be great!