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Add penup, pendown, text and font commands #93

Closed antunderwood closed 10 years ago

antunderwood commented 11 years ago

Added the tests but couldn't get any tests to run via rake test.

Error messages were Errno::ECONNREFUSED: Connection refused - connect(2)

deadprogram commented 11 years ago

I will look into this... what OS are and Ruby version are you running?

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

Are we still interested in merging this?

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

This has been opened for about a year now, is this still something we are wanting to merge and haven't already implemented? If so, @aunderwo, could you get this ready to merge by updating your branch?

EDIT: It hasn't, I just thought there was something similar.

deadprogram commented 10 years ago

I want this feature too! @hunterboerner maybe you can help get the branch up to date, if @aunderwo is busy.

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

Well.... I have the pr/93 branch now with all the changes and it's up to date... is there a way I can add commits onto this PR or will that require 1.21 gigawatts?

deadprogram commented 10 years ago

You should be able to merge the pr/93 branch into the aunderwo:master branch, or else close this PR and open a new one based on pr/93. No deloreans needed, afaik :grin:

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

aunderwo:master isn't on this repo, it's on his forked one so I don't see where I would have access to that.

deadprogram commented 10 years ago

@hunterboerner seems like best bet is to merge your pr/93 branch into master, which might just close this PR, and if not, we can make it closed manually.

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

Ok then merge master, do your thing :)

deadprogram commented 10 years ago

When I checked out the pr/93 branch and ran tests, I received 2 failures:

ron@ron-Dell-System-XPS-L322X:~/Development/kidsruby/kidsruby (pr/93)
$ bundle exec rake test
(in /home/ron/Development/kidsruby/kidsruby)
/home/ron/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p290/bin/ruby -I"lib:test" "/home/ron/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290@kidsruby2/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake/rake_test_loader.rb" "test/lib/turtle_test.rb" "test/lib/rubywarrior_test.rb" "test/lib/dialogs_test.rb" "test/main_test.rb" "test/models/languages_test.rb" "test/models/stdin_rejecter_test.rb" "test/models/runner_writer_test.rb" "test/models/std_io_test.rb" "test/models/inverts_theme_test.rb" "test/models/frame_writer_test.rb" 
Run options: --seed 39192

# Running tests:


Finished tests in 0.135015s, 377.7349 tests/s, 503.6465 assertions/s.

  1) Failure:
test_0011_must_be_able_to_pen_up(Turtle::when properly initialized) [test/lib/turtle_test.rb:113]:
not all expectations were satisfied
unsatisfied expectations:
- expected exactly once, not yet invoked: #<Turtle:0x32bffb8>.send_commands(any_parameters)
satisfied expectations:
- allowed any number of times, invoked once: #<Mock:interface>.call('init_turtle')
- allowed any number of times, invoked once: #<Mock:interface>.valid?(any_parameters)
- allowed any number of times, invoked once: #<Mock:reply>.valid?(any_parameters)
- allowed any number of times, invoked once: #<AnyInstance:InterfaceHelper>.get_interface(any_parameters)
- expected exactly once, invoked once: #<Turtle:0x32bffb8>.add_command(any_parameters)

  2) Failure:
test_0012_must_be_able_to_pen_down(Turtle::when properly initialized) [test/lib/turtle_test.rb:119]:
not all expectations were satisfied
unsatisfied expectations:
- expected exactly once, not yet invoked: #<Turtle:0x2fc3878>.send_commands(any_parameters)
satisfied expectations:
- allowed any number of times, invoked once: #<Mock:interface>.call('init_turtle')
- allowed any number of times, invoked once: #<Mock:interface>.valid?(any_parameters)
- allowed any number of times, invoked once: #<Mock:reply>.valid?(any_parameters)
- allowed any number of times, invoked once: #<AnyInstance:InterfaceHelper>.get_interface(any_parameters)
- expected exactly once, invoked once: #<Turtle:0x2fc3878>.add_command(any_parameters)

51 tests, 68 assertions, 2 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

@hunterboerner did you have that problem?

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

Oh yes, tests -.-. Fixing that problem now.

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

I think it has to do with line 113 and 119 in turtle_test.rb


That shouldn't be there for the penup/down command.

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

@deadprogram, try it now on pr/93 branch.

deadprogram commented 10 years ago

All green now. I merged with master.

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

Uh... you merged his branch now the pr/93 branch...

antunderwood commented 10 years ago

Sorry a bit late to the thread. Been busy over the Christmas period. The reason I never merged the pen up/down into the main branch was because I have no real experience of writing tests and wasn't sure of where to start. Thanks everybody for revisiting this issue.